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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The government sets the date for parliamentary elections

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The government sets the date for parliamentary elections Empty The government sets the date for parliamentary elections

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Dec 2017, 4:11 am

    The government sets the date for parliamentary elections
    December 06 2017 11:24 p
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    [rtl][rtl]Haidar Abadi[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    The Iraqi government on Wednesday set a new date for the upcoming parliamentary elections in the country.
    The Cabinet Information Office of the Prime Minister, Haider Abadi, said in a statement that the Cabinet held on Tuesday a regular session during which "the vote on the amendment of the Council of Ministers No. 347 of 2017 regarding the date of elections and make it on 12 May 2018 instead From 15 May 2018 ".
    The statement added that "the Council also voted on the recommendations of the Supreme Committee for the implementation of Article 15 of the Federal Budget Law for the year 2016 on expanding the opening of private investment."
    On October 30, the Iraqi government announced that it would "provide the safe environment for the elections," pointing out that the voting would be electronic, so that the parties that are running in the elections will not have armed wings.
    The last parliamentary elections in Iraq took place in 2014 and was the first since the US withdrawal from the country in 2001

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