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    Parliamentary: The law of social insurance will be on the agenda of the new legislative term

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary: The law of social insurance will be on the agenda of the new legislative term Empty Parliamentary: The law of social insurance will be on the agenda of the new legislative term

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Dec 2017, 3:50 am

    December 17 2017 10:09 p
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    [rtl][rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Sadiq al - Mahna .. Oil smuggling from the ports of Basra continues[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    The Parliamentary Labor Committee announced that the Social Insurance Law will be included on the agenda of the new legislative session. 

    "The law has recently arrived from the Council of Ministers to the parliament and will be presented in the agenda of the next legislative session," said committee chairman Sadik al-Mahna. "The law will take its legislative course after the approval of the local elections law and the general budget." 

    He added that «the draft law does not include financial consequences and the most correct naming the law of the distribution of wealth, because Iraq sells 4 million barrels of oil to pay the salaries of 4 million employees in the state, and we have 4 million others from the private sector do not get anything», indicating that «the legislation of the Social Security Act will balance Between everyone and provides equal incomes for all segments without exception ».

    The parliamentary legal committee confirmed its intention to prepare a list of new proposals will be submitted by deputies and representatives of the political blocs to be included in the draft draft law on social insurance. 

    The committee's decision Hassan Tauran said in a press statement that «the Presidency of the House of Representatives will refer the law to the relevant committees, namely financial, work, legal and services to discuss and study paragraphs and note taking», indicating that there are a number of observations with deputies and representatives of blocks on this project, And codified in a deliberate manner to ensure the passage of the law, which aims to prevent duplication in the receipt of salaries from the state and rescue the pension fund from bankruptcy ».

    He added that «the legislation of the law is part of the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, and its objectives to save the National Pension Fund from bankruptcy because of the waste of public money in the payment of huge pensions and the integration of more than a pension», stressing the need to preserve the rights of martyrs and political prisoners and university professors and scientific competencies. 

    The cabinet approved the social insurance bill last month. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that he will include the largest segment of the population, including private sector employees and the families of the martyrs who fought to support the terrorist.


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