Alsumaria News / Baghdad The 
deputy of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc Ashwaq dry, Thursday, that the Kurdish forces recorded nine observations on the draft draft federal budget for the current fiscal year, pointing to send those comments to the presidency of parliament and the government without any response. 

Al-Jaf said in an interview for Alsumaria News that "there are objections by the Kurdish blocs and the same representatives of the Sunni component and other representatives of oil-producing provinces on the budget sent by the government." Indicating that "the budget sent by the government did not take into account justice among the people of one people."

"The objections of representatives of the Kurdish component included nine points, most notably the share of the province budget and the entitlements of the Peshmerga forces, in addition to other points related to several things, including allocations for the province of Halabja, which was developed in previous years, but the budget is not determined," pointing out that "the points we put Our observations represent a constitutional imbalance included in the budget by the federal government. " 

And drew dry, to "Kurdish blocs diagnosed nine points before the start of the legislative holiday, which was sent to the Presidency of the Parliament and thePresidency of the Council of Ministers and the Finance Committee of the Parliamentary merged observations of the Sunni blocs and representatives of Basra," stressing that "to the moment did not find any response to the Government before those observations Therefore, the opposition is still ongoing by us on the budget. "

On Wednesday, that the sessions of the Council will continue to be held over a week to crystallize the vision on the laws of the budget and elections in the presence of Prime Minister Haider Abadi , and noted that the budget must be submitted in October, but was received in parliament at the end of November.