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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki warns of the survival of the political system based on quotas

    Admin Assist
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    Maliki warns of the survival of the political system based on quotas Empty Maliki warns of the survival of the political system based on quotas

    Post by Rocky Mon 19 Mar 2018, 2:58 am

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    Maliki warns of the survival of the political system based on quotas

    Vice President Nouri al-Maliki warned that the survival of the political system based on quotas would pose a danger to the future of the political process.
    Maliki said during a meeting with delegations from the provinces of Diyala and Baghdad on Sunday, "the need to join efforts and work to serve Iraq and the protection of its land and the maintenance of sacred sites, adding that the current and future data require reconsidering many of the prevailing policies and practices as a necessary condition for the rehabilitation of the political process and reform And to continue the process of building and strengthening Iraq's economic capabilities. "
    The Vice President stressed the need to take advantage of previous experiences in order to correct the course, because our dear homeland has gone through difficult periods and faced many challenges, the repercussions of terrorism, the decline in oil prices and the deficit in the general budget of the state and the prevalence of quotas and compatibility in the institutions of the state all issues imposed themselves on reality, To proceed with the management of the development process more efficiently and prepare a strategy in line with the variables we face only through a cohesive parliamentary bloc that has a majority that seeks to form, support and support the government in order to implement its program.
    He stressed that the survival of the political system based on quotas will pose a threat to the future of the political process, stressing the importance of planning to rebuild the institutions of the state in accordance with a development perspective capable of carrying the burden of implementation without the result of wasting the right of citizens to the state.
    The vice president said that the concept of the political majority is based on the participation of all segments of Iraqi society, starting from FAO and the central and western regions and ending in Iraqi Kurdistan, calling on all the Iraqi people to participate in the elections to achieve a political majority listen carefully to the demands of Iraqis and achieve their ambitions.

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