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    Experts: reduction of interest on loans unhealthy condition

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     Experts: reduction of interest on loans unhealthy condition  Empty Experts: reduction of interest on loans unhealthy condition

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Nov 2013, 3:57 am

    Experts: reduction of interest on loans unhealthy condition

    11/21/2013 12:00 AM

    Baghdad morning

    experts felt that reducing the rate of interest on loans granted to employees if unhealthy, because it will cause a rise in commodity prices in the market.

    banking expert conciliator good in between his speech for the (morning) that he must determine the purpose of the loan granted and Kan Are rate cuts it or not, saying that if were given loans at interest rates low for purposes of consumption will result in higher commodity prices., adding that they have to be balanced by supply and demand when giving out loans, low-interest, and not create a high demand versus limited supply, stressing the importance of goal setting to distinguish between a loan and another, and not be drowning series of inflation and the inability to combat it.

    felt that the loan is to create a currency, so they have to be within the framework of economic, financial and clear, as well as the need to know the goal and how the recovery, and the distinction between the areas of spending, in favor of reduction of interest rates on loans granted to build housing for it contribute to solving the housing crisis and these loans are named Soft color (Soft Loan), which helps the employee in improving the conditions of pension through the benefits minimum.

     , and pointed out that these loans are within the financial allocations must be borders graduate and be in coordination with the Central Bank to see the amount of money that will create and how much will be added to the purchasing power, which turns into a demand for goods and services, saying that the repayment periods for loans also depend on the quality of the loan and its purpose, ie, that the process associated with an episode of one, as it constitutes a standard fixture in the field of loans. noted that the House of Representatives included all the provinces to grant financial loans for the unemployed of $ (20) million, through legislation, law relating to loans.
    For his part, economic expert Majid picture a proposal to reduce the interest rate on loans granted to employees and to extend the repayment period incorrect step at the moment.
    Suri said in a press statement: «the problem in the granting of loans lies in the essence Wayne will be disbursed», pointing out that many of the loans granted to consumer issues impacted negatively on the economic situation.

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