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    Oil confirms the supply of electricity with fuel to prepare energy and indicates a decline in “gas”

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    Oil confirms the supply of electricity with fuel to prepare energy and indicates a decline in “gas” Empty Oil confirms the supply of electricity with fuel to prepare energy and indicates a decline in “gas”

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Jun 2024, 4:27 am

    Oil confirms the supply of electricity with fuel to prepare energy and indicates a decline in “gas”

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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Friday (June 14, 2024), the Ministry of Oil announced that it will continue to supply the Ministry of Electricity with the required gas or alternative fuel to the stations.
    The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Liquidation Affairs, Hamid Al-Zubaie, said in an interview with “Baghdad Al-Youm,” that “his ministry is continuing to supply electricity with fuel for the purpose of contributing to supplying the largest amount of electrical energy for citizens, pointing out that supplying is considered a commitment from oil to electricity.”
    He pointed out that "a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, which included the Ministries of Oil and Electricity, to emphasize the necessity of providing all required quantities of oil to electricity to maintain the momentum of the national system to serve the citizens in this summer, when temperatures are rising in some governorates."
    Al-Zobaie stated, “The Ministry of Oil is currently providing basic fuel for power stations and alternative fuels, if any, and there is a decline in gas processing for technical reasons. Therefore, the Ministry of Oil has a prior plan prepared by the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani Al-Sawad, and the relevant ministry’s joints for the purpose of providing the required fuel.” for stations.
    On Wednesday (June 12, 2024), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed that all electrical stations’ fuel needs be secured, and that private generators continue to be equipped.
    This came during his chairmanship of the regular meeting on the Ministry of Electricity’s projects and production plans, in the presence of representatives of the Ministries of Electricity, Oil, and Planning.
    During the meeting, the Ministry of Electricity’s procedures for the current summer season were followed up, the challenges facing its various sectors, ways to address problems that obstruct the implementation of plans and programs, and the level of response to citizens’ complaints and violations of transportation networks.
    Al-Sudani stressed that the government gives the electricity file a special priority, by continuing to hold meetings throughout the year in order to develop and address the root problems, as well as by developing an integrated plan in which investment was included as a party to address the need for production and renewable energy projects, as well as searching for an economic model that meets Ambition.
    The levels of available storage of petroleum products, such as fuel oil and gas oil, and the increases achieved from it were also discussed, and Mr. Sudani directed to secure all the fuel needs of electrical stations, and to continue equipping private generators in accordance with the established controls. He also directed the necessity of high coordination between the Ministries of Oil and Electricity in What is related to saving fuel, and what contributes to the continued operation of electrical stations.
    It was decided, during the meeting, to exempt the engineering and technical leaders in the electricity sector from those who were reluctant to carry out tasks and respond to citizens’ complaints, and whose mismanagement of the joints assigned to them was proven. His Excellency also instructed to proceed with removing violations of the national network, and to expedite the referral of projects whose efficiency and technical and economic feasibility have been proven. In addition to seeking the assistance of consulting bodies to improve the sector’s management levels, in terms of planning, production, maintenance and collection.
    The Prime Minister followed up on the implementation of electrical interconnection projects with neighboring countries, and also reviewed the plans of the Ministry of Electricity in the field of implementing renewable energy projects, as His Excellency instructed the formation of a team linked to his office to follow up on the conversion of government buildings to provide electricity with solar energy systems.
    The meeting witnessed a discussion of the gas file, and he directed the Ministry of Oil to draw up its vision for gas projects, specifically with regard to the transportation sector. He also pointed to waste of public money in some Ministry of Oil projects, indicating a number of measures that will be taken to punish those responsible for this waste.
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      Current date/time is Tue 18 Jun 2024, 8:25 am