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    Al-Maliki launches the early elections missile.. Will the government’s radars pick it up?

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Maliki launches the early elections missile.. Will the government’s radars pick it up? Empty Al-Maliki launches the early elections missile.. Will the government’s radars pick it up?

    Post by Rocky Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:04 am

    [size=38]Al-Maliki launches the early elections missile.. Will the government’s radars pick it up?[/size]

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    June 13, 2024[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The call of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, to hold early elections in Iraq by the end of this year, sparked widespread controversy and varying analyzes about its motives and significance.
    Prime Minister Al-Maliki confirmed, in television statements, his support for holding early elections in Iraq within a maximum period of time at the end of this year, recalling that holding elections is included in the government program, while writer and academic Alaa Mustafa wonders about the significance of Nouri Al-Maliki’s call for early elections and whether it will restore the political process. Her balance..
    Mustafa poses the question: Is the government and whoever is centered with it capable of capturing the missile that Al-Maliki launched? Or will he reach the goal and move the rules of the withdrawal, considering that the scene is getting hotter as July approaches. What is behind Mr. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]’s call for early elections?
    While analyzes believe that holding early elections carries with it attempts to limit the influence of the current prime minister, Muhammad al-Sudani, political affairs researcher Samir Obaid says that most Iraqi analysts and politicians directly believed that al-Maliki was planning to remove al-Sudani from the scene to take the lead. He and the Dawa Party group consider that this analysis is incorrect because whatever the differences between the lines of the Dawa Party directly, they come back together and with one heart as long as there is authority.
    He said: Some of the analysts said that Al-Maliki is hinting at rapprochement and alliance with Al-Sadr, and they do not know how Al-Maliki thinks. He issued this call in order to manipulate Al-Sadr’s nerves (because Al-Sadr always contradicts what Al-Maliki desires). This is Al-Maliki’s goal, to keep Al-Sadr away from adopting the issue of elections. Early.
    Obaid considered that Al-Maliki and the Dawa Party group are actually wishing for early elections, and Al-Sadr is not in them... in order to block the way “according to their plan” for the scenario of upcoming change and to create a new government and thus escape from President Trump if he wins the elections.
    The head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, said during the meeting that there is nothing preventing the Dawa Party from returning to the presidency of the Council of Ministers, just as there are no restrictions that prevent a party with a presence, presence, personalities, audience, and agreement with the rest of the blocs from returning to the presidency of the Council of Ministers.
    While Al-Maliki says that early elections can be held without dissolving Parliament, legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi believes that holding early elections can only be done by dissolving Parliament because this Parliament is elected for a period of 4 years and its lifespan is limited to four years according to Article 56 of the Constitution, and dissolving Parliament It can be done in two ways: either at the request of a third of the members of Parliament and the approval of the absolute majority of its members, or at the request of the Prime Minister and the approval of the President of the Republic and also the approval of the absolute majority of Parliament, where the President of the Republic calls for general elections in the country within two months from the date of the dissolution, as stated in Article 64 of the Constitution.
    He added: The constitutional context and Articles 76 of the Constitution require that the Sudanese complete the remainder of the life of his government, and there is nothing in the Iraqi Constitution called early elections or an interim government. Rather, in order to hold early elections, Parliament must be dissolved... and they cannot otherwise be conducted in accordance with Articles 56, 76, 77, and 66. The Iraqi constitution in its details...and he concluded by saying that what is modern is political and not legal or constitutional...
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      Current date/time is Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:48 am