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    Iraq raises Iran's list of gas exporting countries

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq raises Iran's list of gas exporting countries Empty Iraq raises Iran's list of gas exporting countries

    Post by Rocky Sun 15 Apr 2018, 7:46 am

    Iraq raises Iran's list of gas exporting countries

    14:00 - 15/04/2018
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    Iran has risen to 15th on the list of natural gas exporting countries after it began supplying gas to Iraq, an Iranian news agency reported on Sunday.
    "Iran began to export gas to Baghdad in late July 2017 through the Naft Shahr station in the province of Kermanshah in the west of the country, while officials of the Iranian oil industry confirmed the import of Iraq total 1.2 billion cubic meters of Gas until the end of the winter (20 March 2018) ".
    The statistics indicate that "Iraq has become the second largest importer of Iranian natural gas by about 14 million cubic meters per day, after Turkey, which imports about 30 million cubic meters per day."
    Iran has entered into two contracts to pump gas to Iraq, the first of the capital Baghdad, passing 25 million cubic meters per day and the second of the province of Basra, which is still under planning, where the completion of the transit station in the region, "Shalmja" in southwestern Iran to transport gas to Basra, and will start the process once the declaration of the Iraqi side Willingness to do so. Ending / 25

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    Iraq raises Iran's list of gas exporting countries Empty Re: Iraq raises Iran's list of gas exporting countries

    Post by Lobo Sun 15 Apr 2018, 11:35 am

    So Iraq is going to import all this natural gas from Iran - which is good, Iraq needs it.  But I find it interesting that after the flak from last year and the deficit of the 2017 budget - which "surprisingly" turned out to have a surplus, NOW we see all the imports coming in and countries and companies running "over each other" to compete for the Iraqi market, and the "deficit" predicted for this year's budget - seems like we are not getting the whole picture.  The RV would seem to settle the financial issue, but lest we forget the IMF and WB are "still" lending money.  It is all about money, the IMF and WB want the interest on the loans.  I believe the RV is on the horizon but all the players need to be sure they get their piece of the pie first.  And, getting their piece of the pie, how much money is MasterCard going to make on the cards once the Iraqis start traveling abroad and using them, the tourists using them in the Iraqi market places, tourists spots, coffee shops, etc.  It is coming, everyone sees the MONEY.

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 7:05 am