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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Abbadi directs the accountability of those who fail to do their work in Basra

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Abbadi directs the accountability of those who fail to do their work in Basra Empty Al-Abbadi directs the accountability of those who fail to do their work in Basra

    Post by Rocky Fri 31 Aug 2018, 2:07 am

    Al-Abbadi directs the accountability of those who fail to do their work in Basra

    Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said on Thursday that the government began to hold back those responsible for their work in the province of Basra. He pointed out that "there is an integrated plan to provide water in the province." He called on officials who do not have the courage to make bold decisions to leave responsibility.
    Abadi said during a meeting with the crisis cell in the province of Basra and the presence of the Committee for reconstruction and services and officials in the central and local governments and a representative of the threshold Husseiniya, transferred his media office, "The government began to hold accountable those who failed their work in the province of Basra, Measures, decisions and other directives are to provide safe drinking water to the people of the province. "
    "The importance of the province of Basra and us in all areas," he said, noting that "it should not be reached by the water at the end of the course of the river and we have set procedures for water."
    "We have money allocated to all that Basra needs in terms of water and there is an integrated plan to provide water and we have devoted our meeting today to the subject of water in Basra."
    Abadi pointed out that "there are excesses of the influential in Basra on the water and there will be a campaign to remove," calling for "to take bold decisions, and those who do not have the courage to leave the responsibility."
    He added that "the dispute between the federal and local governments should not be in our dictionary and that the competition between us to provide service to citizens."
    The statement also pointed out that "during the meeting discussed the solution to the obstacles and problems faced by the province of Basra in terms of water and work to complete projects and opening and the establishment of new projects and agree on a series of steps and procedures to provide service to citizens of Basra.
    The first deputy governor of Basra, Mohammed al-Tamimi, said in a statement earlier today to direct the removal of abuses on the water carrier lines from the stations of the port, after the formation of a room operations in this regard, stressing that the campaign will continue to reach the rest of the areas that include various abuses.
    The province of Basra is experiencing a water crisis due to pollution and high salinity rate due to the lack of access to sufficient water releases, prompting citizens to hold demonstrations demanding urgent measures to file water, amid the registration of many cases of illness due to the quality of water. The local government has qualified its federal theory until Monday In order to take the necessary measures and launch private funds to address the problem of the water file, and otherwise will vote on 70% of the areas of the province "affected".

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