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    Finance seeks to integrate the system of the country's World Banking


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Finance seeks to integrate the system of the country's World Banking Empty Finance seeks to integrate the system of the country's World Banking

    Post by chouchou Tue 11 Feb 2014, 4:02 am

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    The Ministry of Finance to integrate Iraq clades global banking through the development of strategic standing in collaboration with the World Bank to get into the banking system overall would contribute to facilitate the reconstruction campaign. Said a source familiar with the (morning) that the Minister of Finance Agency purity of net debt discuss with the President World Bank mission in Baghdad ways of activating the strategic partnership permanent access to a comprehensive banking system in the country, citing the minister confirmed the importance of the role of the World Bank in the formulation of strategies and the integration of Iraq in the international financial system.

    He added, that during the meeting, the minister praised the efforts of the World Bank in helping Iraq in the process of his money management and investing in projects that accelerate the development process.

    For his part, said an expert in the Ministry of Finance Hilal Taan (morning): The advantage of the World Bank is providing financial grants for banks and develop their expertise in how to integrate with the international banks, as well as the training of staff in the Iraqi banking sector on modern mechanization related to linking banks to a single network and investment balances.

    He noted that with the present Iraqi banks need to integrate with the global banks, because the years of war and the blockade has isolated Iraq from technology developments witnessed by the world banking sector.

    The number of Iraqi banks of 43 banks distributed between the government and civil.

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