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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for Babylon: We will not accept the marginalization of the province in the budget of 2019

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 272784
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy for Babylon: We will not accept the marginalization of the province in the budget of 2019 Empty Deputy for Babylon: We will not accept the marginalization of the province in the budget of 2019

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Dec 2018, 2:32 am

    Deputy for Babylon: We will not accept the marginalization of the province in the budget of 2019

    10:47 - 30/12/2018

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The MP for the province of Babil Mansour al-Baiji, Sunday, that the deputies of the province will not accept any marginalization or unfairness of their province in the budget next year has also been marginalized in the cabinet cabin, noting that Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi is fully aware of what the province.
    "We demand that the prime minister put in place a new mechanism to choose the ministerial cab for future governments because it is unreasonable to choose three ministers from one governorate and one governorate that has not been chosen, and no minister since the fall of the former regime," al-Baiji said in a statement. "They added to the general budget, which should be distributed to the governorates, not the population density."
    He added that "there are provinces where oil and border outlets and take their share of the petrodollar and the border port and take full share of the budget, what is the case of the provinces where there is no oil and no border port, who will be deprived of its sanctities such as the provinces of Babylon and Diwaniya and Muthanna.
    He stressed that "the need to put in the distribution of the general budget of the country and be on the proportion of the disadvantaged and not the density of the population and this is a viable solution for all the provinces, whether they are producing oil or have no wealth, especially as the Iraqi constitution confirms that natural resources right to all provinces and the Iraqi people equal rights and duties "Adding that he" hopes "good budget next year because it is fully aware of the province suffers from deterioration in the education sector and health and all other sectors throughout the previous period and so far." Ending / 25

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272784
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy for Babylon: We will not accept the marginalization of the province in the budget of 2019 Empty Deputy for Construction: We will not allow the marginalization of Babylon in the budget of 2019

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Dec 2018, 3:03 am

    Deputy for Construction: We will not allow the marginalization of Babylon in the budget of 2019
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad / .. The MP for the construction coalition Mansour al-Baiji, Sunday, that the representatives of the province of Babylon will not accept any marginalization or unfairness of their province in the budget next year.
    "We demand that the prime minister put in place a new mechanism to choose the ministerial cab for future governments because it is unreasonable to choose three ministers from one governorate and one governorate that has not been chosen, and no minister since the fall of the former regime," al-Baiji said in a statement received by Iraq News. Adding to the general budget, which should be distributed to the Mahromah provinces and not the population density.
    He stressed that "there are provinces where oil and border outlets and take their share of the petrodollar and the border port and take a full share of the budget, what is the case of the provinces where there is no oil and no border port, who will be deprived of its sanctity such as the province of Babylon and Diwaniyah and Muthanna.
    He stressed that "the need to put in the distribution of the general budget of the country and be on the proportion of the disadvantaged and not the density of the population and this is a viable solution for all the provinces, whether they are producing oil or have no wealth, especially as the Iraqi constitution confirms that natural resources right to all provinces and the Iraqi people equal rights and duties "He said.
    He added that "we hope the Prime Minister good budget next year because it is fully aware of the province suffers from deterioration in the education sector and health and all other sectors throughout the previous period and so far."
    He pointed out that "most of the other provinces have been fair in the budget law, whether the previous budget next year, but the province of Babylon is marginalized and in front of the sight and hearing of everyone and representatives of Babylon for this session will not pass the law of the budget next year without the fairness of their province." Finished

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