Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu Empty Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Jan 2019, 1:32 am

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    [size=32]Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist funds in the Iraqi facts[/size]


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    [rtl]Direction / Baghdad[/rtl]

    [rtl]The Ministry of Justice announced on Wednesday the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist funds in the Official Gazette, as well as the issuance of instructions for the exemption of goods imported by mail from the customs duties.[/rtl]

    [rtl]"Today, the new issue of the Iraqi Gazette No. 4525 was issued, which included amendments and decrees approved by the House of Representatives and approved by the Presidency of the Republic," said Kamel Amin Jassem, director of the ministerial media.[/rtl]

    [rtl]Jassim explained that the number included the issuance of resolutions issued by the House of Representatives numbered 24 and 25 of 2018 and a decision issued by the Committee for the freezing of terrorist funds No. 78 and 79 for the year 2018. In addition, Mail from the customs invoice No. (6) for the year 2018 ".[/rtl]

    [rtl]He added that "the number also included the issuance of a number of data, including a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance No. (6) for the year 2018, and a statement of correction issued by the Ministry of Finance, as well as a statement issued by the Central Organization for Standardization and Catastrophe.[/rtl]

    [rtl]It is noteworthy that the newspaper "Iraqi Chronicles" is the first official Iraqi newspaper, founded in August 1922, and publishes Iraqi legislation such as laws, regulations, instructions and orders for employees of the Iraqi government and citizens and the international community.[/rtl]

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu Empty Iraqi facts» published decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist funds

    Post by Rocky Thu 17 Jan 2019, 1:55 am

    Iraqi facts» published decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist funds

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    announced that the Ministry of Justice, the publication of the freezing of terrorist funds in the official Iraqi newspaper facts decisions, as well as the issuance of instructions exemption limits of imported goods by mail from the customs duty contained.
    According to the Director of Information Ministry Kamel Amin Jassem in a statement read by "Economy News", that "the new issue of the Iraqi fact sheet issued No. (4525), which included amendments and decrees approved by the House of Representatives and ratified by the Presidency of the Republic.
    Jassim explained that "the number included the issuance of resolutions issued by the House of Representatives numbered (24) and (25) for the year 2018, and a decision of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist funds No. (78) and (79) for the year 2018, in addition to the issuance of instructions on the limits of exemption of imported goods (6) for the year 2018, "adding that" the number also included the issuance of a number of statements, including a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance No. (6) for the year 2018, and a statement of correction issued by the Ministry of Finance, as well as a statement issued by Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control ".

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu Empty

    Post by Rocky Thu 17 Jan 2019, 4:29 am

    [size=36]The judiciary is looking into an international investigation team into aggravating crimes[/size]

    10:13 - 17/01/2019

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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The 
    head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faik Zidane, discussed Thursday with the head of the International Investigation Team on Crimes, Karim Ahmed Khan and his delegation discussed crimes committed by the terrorist organization. 
    A statement issued by the Information Center of the Supreme Judicial Council in a statement received by Mawazine News that "Judge Faik Zaidan received this morning, Mr. Karim Ahmed Khan, head of the international investigation team in the crimes of Dahesh and the delegation accompanying him." 
    He added that "the two sides discussed the stages reached by the work of the team and practical steps during the next phase in the collection of evidence regarding crimes committed by the organization calling for the terrorist."
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    Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu Empty Re: Justice announces the publication of the decisions of the Committee for the freezing of terrorist fu

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