revealed a parliamentary source familiar with the nomination of the names of three figures of the Ministry of Defense and its representative to the Ministry of Interior inaddition to a candidate for education to be submitted to the Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi . 

The source said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "there are names have been nominated and will be delivered to Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to study and choose one of them," noting that "was nominated three names of the defense and its ideals to the interior."

The source, who asked not to be named, said that "the candidates for the interior are Ahmed Ne'ma, Abdul Ghani al-Asadi and Hamed al-Husseini. The defense candidates are Ali al-Araji, Najah al-Shammari and Salah al-Hariri," pointing out that "Al-Ta'i was nominated for the education portfolio. For the non-agreement of the Patriotic Union and Democratic Kurdistanists. " 

The source said Hamed al-Husseini and the success of Shammari are the two most prominent candidates for the records of the interior and defense. " 

The MP from the National Bloc Hussein al-Aqabi, on March 10, 2019, that the problem of the remaining portfolios of the Cabinet Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, a problem" complex "and need a broad consensus , Stressing the lack of a final consensus on the nomination of specific personalities to assume the Ministries of Defense and Interior to the moment.