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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary orientation to prepare a «supplementary budget»

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary orientation to prepare a «supplementary budget» Empty Parliamentary orientation to prepare a «supplementary budget»

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Apr 2019, 2:03 am

    Parliamentary orientation to prepare a «supplementary budget»

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    On Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee set a date for a meeting of all governors and the concerned ministries to assess the performance of the government in implementing the budget, at a time when the committee is moving towards determining a mechanism for establishing a supplementary budget.
    The committee member Haneen al-Qado said in a press statement quoted by the official newspaper "Al-Sabah" and read by "Economy News" that "the policy of the financial committee depends on the basis of follow-up allocation of financial resources by different sectors by the Ministry of Finance to find out the percentage of completion of projects and follow-up, , Explaining that "the Commission is determined to take serious attitudes towards those who use public money irrationally."
    He added that "the committee will be charged with corruption and negligence through the prosecution and will not stand idly by on the use of public money in illegal ways, especially as there are financial inputs must be matched by outputs translated into the form of successful projects on the ground."
    He disclosed that "the agreement to hold a meeting on 14 of this month with all the governors and agents of ministries in order to stand on the performance of the government in the implementation of the budget this year," explaining that he "will discuss with officials the amount of funds disbursed to provincial projects and the need for funds for projects lagging, To the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance in the event of failure to pay directly. "
    And considers that "the supplementary budget is the most effective solution to important issues, including the restoration of their contracts in the ministries of security as well as the stabilization of contracts and wages daily," revealing "the holding of future meetings between members of the Committee and political blocs to determine the mechanism to develop the supplementary budget and know the amount allocated and duration.

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