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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    The Bretton Woods Committee


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    The Bretton Woods Committee Empty The Bretton Woods Committee

    Post by Neno Fri 21 Mar 2014, 8:50 pm

    The Bretton Woods Committee

    March 20, 2014

    By JC Collin
    The Bretton Woods Committee Entering-bretton-woods

    This post comes from the hard work of readers BGSV and DANEACKERMAN who have been digging for nuggets of truth and evidence to support the thesis we are presenting here on this site.   Namely that the IMF 2010 Code of Reforms will be the first of many catalysts which will enact the required changes for the world to move from the old financial system to a new multilateral system centralized around the IMF and the SDR’s.

    My approach to this subject was from underneath by way of pattern recognition and micro/macro comparisons.  As such, there were many things I missed along the way.

    The quality of readers who have been attracted to my blog has overwhelmed me.  The links and supporting evidence that they have discovered and shared on this site have been outstanding.

    In many cases the comment sections of each post is more valuable than the original information provided.  As an example, just over the last few days the readers I referenced above have discovered and shared information regarding The Bretton Woods Committee.  On their website it states:

    “The Bretton Woods Committee is the nonpartisan network of prominent global citizens, which works to demonstrate the value of international economic cooperation and to foster strong, effective Bretton Woods institutions as forces for global well-being.”

    It would be beneficial for all readers to also explore that site and get a broader understanding of the quality and level of people involved in the movement to transition the world to a multilateral financial system which will be centralized around the IMF.  The SDR will no doubt become the much talked about supra-sovereign reserve currency.

    The site can be found at the following link:

    As BGSV and DANEACKERMAN have discovered, the Bretton Woods Committee released a “unified message” on March 12, 2014, encouraging the US Congress to pass the 2010 IMF Reforms.  From the press release:

    “Today 190 policy experts, business and academic leaders, and former Senate-confirmed appointees who had oversight responsibilities for organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank delivered a unified message to Congress: promptly enact IMF quota reform legislation.”

    For anyone who doubts the importance of these reforms, this message from the Bretton Woods Committee should make them think twice.  Including the demands of Russia and the G20 as well.

    The full message from the group can be downloaded as a PDF below.  It contains the actual signatures of the authors.

    BWC Top Cabinet and National Security Officials Letter on IMF

    I’m on vacation this week from my regular job but have been trying to do some updates and a little writing.  I will continue to share when and as much as possible.

    Things continue to happen quickly here, especially in regards to the Ukrainian situation.  Just today, the US stated that they will not become militarily involved in the Ukraine.  Ukraine military itself is retreating from Crimea and the final conclusion is pretty much what we were assuming it would be.

    A few things to watch over the coming days will be how Russia responds to the weak sanctions opposed on them by the west.

    And how will the world respond to the US reluctance to implement the 2010 Quota Reforms as we move into April and its G20 meeting?  Will Congress accomplish what the obviously influential Bretton Woods Committee is asking them to do?

    If not, what will be the consequences?  The G20 has already stated that they will use aggressive measures to enact the reforms without US compliance.  This will mean the removal of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency by force, as Russia has threatened.  America will also be stripped of its veto vote on the IMF Executive Board.

    Perhaps this is the ultimate plan.  Make the reforms impossible to pass in Congress so the aggressive measures can be justified.  Perhaps the members of the Bretton Woods Committee are attempting one last effort to save the United States from a Soviet Union style collapse.

    Our televisions will say that no one saw this coming.  But there are those of us who do see it coming.  Will it be consolidation or collapse?  We still wait and wonder.  – JC Collins

      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 5:27 am