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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Arab Contractors Union calls for partnerships between these countries to rebuild Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277497
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Arab Contractors Union calls for partnerships between these countries to rebuild Iraq Empty Arab Contractors Union calls for partnerships between these countries to rebuild Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Jun 2019, 3:50 am

    Arab Contractors Union calls for partnerships between these countries to rebuild Iraq
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    Sunday / 30 / June - 2019

    Word - follow up
    The  head of the former Jordanian-Arab Contractors Union, Eng. Awni Al-Saket, called for forming partnerships and gatherings between Jordan, Iraq and Egypt regarding the reconstruction projects in Iraq. 
    He said in a press statement quoted by the Jordanian Al - Rai newspaper and followed the word news websiteyesterday that "Jordan is a starting point for the activities of the reconstruction of Iraq."
    "The Kingdom is an economic and strategic depth for Iraq, while Iraq is in return an economic and strategic depth for Jordan."
    He continued that "the required is the continued provision of facilities from the Jordanian and Iraqi sides in the work and the transition and ease of flow of products and industries for both countries," calling for the unification of Arab efforts to promote the nation and stand united in front of the challenges facing.
    He pointed out that the construction and construction activities account for about 60 percent of the total investment for development and the employment of more than 15 percent of the active labor force, pointing out that every billion dollars spent in construction and reconstruction occupies more than 50 thousand jobs.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277497
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Arab Contractors Union calls for partnerships between these countries to rebuild Iraq Empty The founder of the Arab Contractors Union calls for Egyptian-Jordanian-Egyptian partnerships for rec

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Jun 2019, 3:57 am

    The founder of the Arab Contractors Union calls for Egyptian-Jordanian-Egyptian partnerships for reconstruction projects

    •  29 June 2019

    The founder and chairman of the former Arab Contractors Union, Eng. Awni Al-Saket, called for forming partnerships and gatherings between Jordan, Iraq and Egypt on the reconstruction projects in Iraq.
    He said in a press statement today that Jordan is the starting point for the reconstruction activities of Iraq, indicating that the Kingdom is an economic depth and strategic Iraq, while Iraq is in return the depth of economic and strategic to Jordan.
    He added that what is required is the continued provision of facilities from the Jordanian and Iraqi sides in the work, movement and ease of flow of products and industries for both countries. He called for uniting the Arab efforts to advance the nation and stand united against the challenges facing it.
    He pointed out that the construction and construction activities account for about 60% of the total development investments and the employment of more than 15% of the active labor force, noting that every billion dollars spent in construction and construction occupies more than 50,000 jobs. is over

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