Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Consumer Protection

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Consumer Protection Empty Consumer Protection

    Post by Rocky Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:30 pm

    Consumer Protection

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    Thamer Al-Hemes
    Most countries and governments resort to addressing consumer problems and breathing financial and economic congestion by means, mechanisms and tools depending on the nature of the system, for example to face inflation or emergencies and new or traditional basic needs, to reduce their priorities with sustainable solutions prepared by competent specialists
    After 2003 salaries increased and the base increased to nearly five times with retirees and social care providers and relatives of martyrs and political prisoners, and allocated to this rule 75 percent of the budget, yes it is a qualitative leap with positive and burdens, it was accompanied by five elements directly almost to absorb the majority These elements are a general negative factor for all those who receive salaries or salaries, whether from the public or private sector, a burden and a difficult number critical to most segments of society, and these elements are the wages of civil generators, which cost 10 percent of the income or more for that, which requires a reduction in the price of diesel, Internet service fees, after renegotiating with the service providers, are of interest to the general community.
    The other element is the cost of medicine, which also increased to include everyone except the patients, and the main reason is that a large percentage of importing companies are not authorized and it is normal to become out of control, and we hope that the medicines of Samarra and its sisters will challenge them this year as they promised that they will cover 50 percent of the country's needs To address the problem of the shortage of medicines in hospitals and the public clinic at least because its reviewers are the poorest and most numerous and we protect this consumer who pays the poverty bill 
    And disease.
    The fourth element is the decline of the ration card, although the people's highs have been deprived of it and we have not seen any additional difference, because its quantities have decreased in quantity and quality, and perhaps this is because it is forgotten in the light of that.
    As for the last elements, he stands at the civil schools that extended from kindergarten to university, costing them unusual lyto to eat in the scavenger of the message of education, so that the educational process becomes just an economically viable investment in all respects at the expense of the poor and their intelligent people who will lose them and they do not They get opportunities. The wages are very high compared to most
    Isn't it worth reviewing by the relevant authorities and civil society organizations because of the backlogs that affect family levels?

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