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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Labor Minister: 67 thousand new families will be included with social protection

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Labor Minister: 67 thousand new families will be included with social protection Empty Labor Minister: 67 thousand new families will be included with social protection

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Apr 2020, 3:44 am

     Labor Minister: 67 thousand new families will be included with social protection

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    On Sunday, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Bassem Abdel-Zaman confirmed that the “emergency grant” formed a new database for daily earners, while he indicated that there are 67,000 new families that will be included in the Social Protection Law.
    Abdul-Zaman said in a statement reported by the Iraqi News Agency (conscious) and viewed by "Al-Iqtadnews", that "the ministry has a complete database on families below the poverty line, people with disabilities and the unemployed, but it does not have a database on the number of families living on wages Daily ", indicating that" the emergency grant form that was launched will be an opportunity to form a database of owners of daily earnings. "
    He added, “It is not necessary that the owners of daily earnings be below the poverty line, such as a taxi driver and so on, but rather those who were affected by the measures to prevent preventive roaming,” noting that “this gain after the formation of the database may be included in the wages of workers and this is within the law New is not the Social Protection Law. ”
    The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs pointed out that "there are 67,000 new families that will be included in the Social Protection Law."
    Regarding the secured workers, Abd Al-Zaman stressed that "the ministry has about 250 thousand registered workers", noting that "the ministry obligated companies to grant workers' dues during this period."
    He pointed out that "the ministry received several complaints from workers for not receiving their dues", stressing, "The ministry's intention to hold employers short of employers towards workers." 

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