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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning clarifies the relationship of the electronic platform with employees' salaries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Planning clarifies the relationship of the electronic platform with employees' salaries Empty Planning clarifies the relationship of the electronic platform with employees' salaries

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 Mar 2021, 6:49 am

    Planning clarifies the relationship of the electronic platform with employees' salaries

    12:27 - 12/03/2021

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The information / Baghdad ..
    On Friday, the Ministry of Planning confirmed that it continues to work on completing the personnel database.
    The ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said that “work continues since the formation of the statistical committee in the Diwani Order (55), which includes representatives from the Ministries of Interior, Finance, Communications, Financial Supervision, the Office of the Prime Minister and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers,” noting that “mobile teams have been formed. "Visiting ministries and agencies not associated with ministries and governorates for the purpose of explaining the system and the mechanism for working with it, and also assisting ministries in preparing data for their employees."
    He added that "data entry continues in this system, which aims to build a comprehensive database on state employees that gives accurate numbers on the number of employees and details related to the employee," noting that "this system will contribute to drawing an accurate financial policy based on accurate numbers related to employees as well as addressing all The problems suffered by the functional body.
    Al-Hindawi pointed out that "the committee will conduct an experiment for the system in the Ministry of Education because it is the largest ministry in terms of the number of its employees and has formations in all parts of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] thus conducting an experiment in education," explaining that "the system will be in the form of building an electronic platform and on the basis of this electronic platform and after the completion of the state data will be launched Salaries through the Ministry of Finance's notification to boost salaries for all state institutions. ”End 25
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