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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Securing the elections... the most prominent challenges of the Al-Kazemi government with the return

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    Securing the elections... the most prominent challenges of the Al-Kazemi government with the return  Empty Securing the elections... the most prominent challenges of the Al-Kazemi government with the return

    Post by Rocky Fri 11 Jun 2021, 7:25 am

    [size=45][size=41]Securing the elections... the most prominent challenges of the Al-Kazemi government with the return of assassinations (report)[/size][/size]

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    Baghdad/ Al Noor News
    The assassinations reared their heads on the Iraqi reality again, in light of the ongoing preparations for holding parliamentary elections, amid complex security conditions, and government efforts to control armed groups.
    In the last of these operations, unidentified gunmen assassinated, on Monday, a senior officer of the Iraqi intelligence service, in the capital, Baghdad.
    The National Intelligence Service mourned Colonel Nibras, who said in a statement received by Al-Nour News that "the martyr Nibras was the Director of Rusafa Intelligence, and prior to his assassination, he held the position of Assistant Director of Monitoring in the Intelligence Service."
    He added that "the martyr resisted the armed group and exchanged fire with them, but a gunman in the second vehicle, the pickup, carrying a Kalashnikov rifle, fired several shots at him.
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    Hosting security leaders
    Iraq is scheduled to hold early parliamentary elections on October 10, in response to the demands of the popular protests that began in 2019.
    The Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee announced that it is about to host security leaders next month to discuss the file of securing the elections.
    The head of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Muhammad Rida Al Haider, said, according to the official agency: “The increase in assassinations with the upcoming elections comes due to the presence of some parties that use gangs to strike their opponents, but not to a large extent,” explaining that “the Security and Defense Committee is in the process of hosting security leaders in Next month, with the elections approaching, to discuss this file and secure the electoral process and candidates.”
    At the same time, security sources in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, reported that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi recently launched a major campaign to secure the parliamentary elections, according to several stages.
    And Arab media quoted Iraqi sources as saying that “the security campaign launched by the government on Monday came according to a pre-prepared plan to provide protection for the election file, in all its details, and to anticipate the deadline for it, with good preparation, and security anticipation.”
    Those sources added, “The campaign will extend over more than four months, and aims in its early stages, dividing regions according to their danger, a full survey of potential threats, developing the necessary plans to confront them, intensifying intelligence efforts, and cooperating with new informants in the monitored areas, as well as a file Electronic security, and the great importance that this represents.
    Recently, Hisham al-Mashhadani, a member of the electoral Azm coalition, led by the head of the Arab project, Khamis al-Khanjar, was assassinated in an armed attack north of the capital, Baghdad.
    The recent assassinations raised fears of political blocs, parties and personalities, of the escalation of assassination campaigns against candidates and activists, with the election season entering its climax, in light of the early campaigns, and the remarkable activity of parties and forces with the aim of attracting voters.
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    integrative process
    Member of Parliament, Taha Al-Dafia, stressed “the necessity of providing a safe environment, for holding the upcoming parliamentary elections, to ensure broader participation, whether from political figures, parties and blocs, or even citizens, because in the presence of security there will be a broader and large participation, which requires the government to prepare a plan. successful for this vote.
    Al-Dafii added during his interview with Al-Nour News that “the task of providing a safe environment for the elections is not limited to the security and military establishment, but rather it is an integrated process in which everyone must participate, such as political parties and community activities, to achieve the maximum integrity of the ballot, and to neutralize any behavior Negativity may affect the elections.”
    And the Iraqi government announced the approval of the Security Council to send a UN team to monitor the upcoming elections. 
    The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, said in a statement that Al-Nour News received a copy of it: “The Security Council unanimously approves the request of the Iraqi government, in Resolution No. 2576, to renew the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) until May 27, 2022.” 
    He added that "the resolution includes strong elements, adopted for the first time, to send an international team to monitor the elections in Iraq (electoral monitoring)." 
    During the last meeting, the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, stressed “the importance of securing fair and fair elections in the various stages of their conduct, and providing electoral security to create a safe and stable environment in order to secure the free will of voters to choose their representatives, and to provide protection and equal opportunities for participation and candidacy.”
    Saleh said during a meeting with the Chairman and members of the Independent High Electoral Commission and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, today, Monday: “The upcoming elections are of great importance as a national entitlement that should not be attacked or influenced,” pointing out that “creating the conditions for Adequacy for this election is an essential pillar for its success and for continuing the path towards the desired reform.”
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    The Ministry of the Interior receives the security of 5 governorates
    These preparations come at a time when the government recently made changes in the management of the security file, as the Ministry of the Interior handed over responsibility for managing the security file in five governorates (Babil, Diwaniyah, Muthanna, Najaf and Wasit), after the file was managed by the Iraqi army forces, in a procedure that is The first of its kind since the US invasion of the country in 2003, amid stressing the need to “activate the role of prior intelligence information to prevent any security-disrupting operations carried out by terrorist groups and armed militias in those provinces, after the withdrawal of the army from within the cities.
    The expert in Iraqi security affairs, Hamid Al-Obaidi, said that “electoral security represents the most prominent challenges of Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s government, due to the spread of armed groups, threatening voters, forcing them to make specific choices, or manipulating their votes, which requires the adoption of new, out-of-the-ordinary tactics in the Monitoring these cases and holding the perpetrators accountable.
    Al-Obaidi added in a statement to “Al-Nour News” that “election security cannot be limited to controlling weapons or preventing armed proliferation, but rather it is an integrated process, starting with putting an end to fraud, ending fraud, a complete examination of the organs, and the deployment of the commission’s monitoring teams and those of the parties In addition to the UN monitoring, and the subsequent measures that extend even to the technological tracks and the Information Exchange Center, as the Iraqi side in this field is very weak, and relies on external parties and foreign companies.”
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