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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Through people, and not by oil alone, nations are built - Talib Saadoun

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    Through people, and not by oil alone, nations are built - Talib Saadoun Empty Through people, and not by oil alone, nations are built - Talib Saadoun

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Jul 2021, 8:12 am

    [size=32][rtl]Through people, and not by oil alone, nations are built - Talib Saadoun[/rtl]

    June 30, 2021

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    pen pulse
    Through people, and not by oil alone, nations are built - Talib Saadoun
    Electricity, high temperatures, and the wages of a private generator are at the forefront of Iraqis’ concerns every summer.
    For many years, this issue has been the main headline in news bulletins, the popular movement, and people's conversations, but to no avail.
    The dreams and aspirations of the Iraqi have receded to their minimum in the face of the inability of the successive governments and ministries to find a solution to this chronic problem.
    I wonder every time electricity is a subject for my pen.. Will you take the issue of electricity, or other issues that put pressure on the people, from the state of China, for example, which witnessed in the fifties of the last century what was known as the worst famine in human history, or from the political elites in Japan - which came out From the Second World War defeated, stricken with wounds all this time, money and suffering? …
    A metaphorical question that I do not want to know the answer to, because its experience lies in the two extremes.. I have mentioned it to show the difference between two cases, each of which reflects its nature that contradicts the other...
    Why do I mention these two giant states with which we cannot compare ourselves..?
    The answer is known..because the two countries have gone through more difficult circumstances than ours, and they do not have that wealth that we possess, and they were able, within a short period of time, to cross the crisis and occupy the top in everything..
    Whenever I read something about development in the world or about scientific or economic achievement or in any field that serves the country and humanity in general in these two countries or others, the image of my country comes before me, and I wonder why we are at this level and they are so advanced, and I become more certain that education does not mean anything if it does not keep pace with the movement Evolution is related to it, and testimony is of no value if it does not have a qualitative addition to the movement of development and specialization.
    The testimony has no value if it has no effect on the ground, and otherwise it becomes just a paper that proves that whoever obtained it is educated, but it does not prove that he understands, according to the words of (Matthew McConaughey), and an easy way to prestige and flaunt the title in correspondence, relationships and material gain, and not for the benefit of the country.
    Politics and martyrdom are depletion and waste of the country’s wealth if it does not have its share of development.
    A while ago, I saw a video I received in a WhatsApp message (it is possible to know the details of it in Google) that included a great development story that China championed in its scientific experiments by creating an artificial sun whose temperature exceeds 160 million degrees Celsius, which is equivalent to ten times the natural heat of the sun to produce huge amounts of energy using energy Advanced nuclear.. Thus, China has achieved a nuclear achievement that records it, approaching the goal of producing unlimited clean energy by imitating the nuclear fusion process used by the real sun, and it is a major nuclear achievement by which China can save the earth from the process of climate change.
    A while ago, I read that I discussed in a previous article here in time the profits of Samsung, which in one year amounted to 327 billion dollars... while the profit of (Bill Gates) the founder of Microsoft Corporation amounted to 226 dollars per second...
    I wondered how many years it would take us or other giant oil-producing countries to collect this large amount? !! ..
    Where are we and who is like us in this development in science and wealth..?!!
    Despite our great wealth, we have not yet been able to solve a simple crisis, on which we spent billions and drained a lot of money from the citizen over many years.
    And this is how human experiences show the differences between people.. There are experiences that made political elites from defeat a lesson from which they learn how to serve their people - and they start from scratch - to be wealth, when it is their optimal investment, and power is not a goal in itself, or (personal project for enrichment) ), or (profits) over which the parties compete, but rather as a tool for change, crossing defeat and building the person with the model they present in achieving the goal, while there are experiences that wealth may be harmful and ruinous for the country, and instead of pushing human life for the better, it makes it retreat back when it is not Invest the best investment, in the right place...
    It is not important that you have money or natural wealth, but rather the extent to which you benefit from what you have in developing your life and meeting your needs... What is the value of classifying a country as one of the countries that owns many rich natural resources estimated at billions and trillions of dollars, while the reality of the situation refers to Terrible underdevelopment and decline in various areas of life, and high rates of poverty that are not commensurate with these wealth.
    There is a difference between the experience of its first investment in the human being, making (economic development) its most prominent title, and a general culture of the country, and another where corruption is a culture in its country..
    In less than fifty years, Japan has been able to lead the world in technology and communications, and obtain from it many times the oil wealth in many countries, and the profit of one person, or one company in communications, for example, is more than the revenue of several petroleum countries combined...
    And China managed, in less than seventy years, to be an economic miracle not only in the world but in history.. and here it is urging pace and racing against time in order to advance and seek to jump from the second rank to be the first economic power over the world as expected for it...
    Many important experiences show the value of wealth and the role of man..and that nations are not built by oil alone..
    Where is the location of our wealth, our intelligence, and the role of our human beings in it?
    Did the oil and the wealth that we possess for us build a special experience in development, or was it a cause of decline, corruption, foreign greed and occupation of our land..?
    Reality answers.
    Helpful words:
    It is nice to read:
    I will never allow anyone to remove the wrinkles of my forehead, as they are the result of my astonishment in front of the beauty of life, or those around my mouth, because it shows how much I laughed and how much I kissed, not even the dark spots under my eyes, so behind them hide the memories of my sorrows and my crying.. It is a part of me and I love its beauty..((American actress Meryl) strap ))..
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