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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ministry of Planning: Slums are doubling in Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ministry of Planning: Slums are doubling in Baghdad Empty Ministry of Planning: Slums are doubling in Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Jul 2021, 7:01 am

    Ministry of Planning: Slums are doubling in Baghdad

    •  Time: 07/27/2021 08:06:50
    •  Reading: 624 times

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    {Local: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Planning has warned of the aggravation of the phenomenon of squatter settlements in Baghdad, which has reached 15%, stressing its efforts in coordination with the competent authorities to find the necessary solutions.
    The official spokesman for the ministry, Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a press interview, "The issue of reorganizing housing has become very necessary and in coordination with the relevant authorities, which are the governorate and municipality of Baghdad, after the phenomenon of slums has greatly exacerbated in the capital, which has reached 15%."
    The phenomenon of housing in slums began after 2003 in light of the chaos, the collapse of government institutions and the absence of law, which allowed the encroachment on the lands left or belonging to the private sector in the outskirts of cities to establish small residential communities that lack many urban and environmental principles and services.
    Al-Hindawi explained that "slums of random housing have begun to multiply and their borders and details are enlarged, and therefore the Ministry of Planning is working in this field on two tracks, the first is to restructure the random housing, and the second is to find treatments within the laws in force," referring to informal housing "hots of poverty and various social problems."
    The second strategy document for poverty alleviation in Iraq (2018-2022) focused on providing adequate housing for poor residents living in slums.
    The official spokesperson for the planning disclosed that "the ministry is coordinating with the United Nations Organization for Human Settlements (Habitat) to address this problem," recalling that "it had conducted a survey of informal settlements in 2016 and developed a road map to solve this problem represented in estimating the number of residents, land sex and quality of use from During the preparation of a law that addresses these gatherings according to each case. 
    He stated that "the ministry formed, within the measures taken in the field, a qualitative and technical difference in all governorates, starting with Baghdad, as it represents the largest gathering of slum dwellers in the country, as according to the results of its latest survey, it includes 136 thousand random housing units stationed within 1022 random gatherings until 2017." ".
    Al-Hindawi explained that "the national program for the rehabilitation and settlement of informal settlements aims to address them by applying equitable and effective scientific solutions that suit the conditions of each area after conducting an assessment, while strengthening the capabilities of the central and local coordinating authorities to implement mechanisms to mitigate uncontrolled and random urban sprawl."
    Forgiveness of Lights 
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