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    “Nass” publishes the United Nations Charter on Chapter VII procedures

    Admin Assist
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    “Nass” publishes the United Nations Charter on Chapter VII procedures Empty “Nass” publishes the United Nations Charter on Chapter VII procedures

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Feb 2022, 5:53 am

    [size=30]“Nass” publishes the United Nations Charter on Chapter VII procedures
    [ltr]2022.02.23 - 08:33[/ltr]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  
    After the Security Council officially announced, on Wednesday, Iraq's exit from the "Chapter VII" procedures, by completing and closing the Kuwaiti compensation file, "Nass" publishes the text of the Charter of the United Nations on the aforementioned chapter.  
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  
    Charter of the United Nations, Chapter VII:  

    Actions taken in cases of threats to peace, breach of peace and aggression  

    Article 39
    The Security Council decides whether there has been a threat to the peace, a breach of the peace, or an act of aggression, and it makes recommendations or decides what measures must be taken in accordance with the provisions of Articles 41 and 42 to maintain or restore international peace and security.  

    Article 40
    In order to prevent the situation from worsening, the Security Council, before making its recommendations or taking the measures stipulated in Article 39, may call on the disputants to take what it deems necessary or desirable as temporary measures. These temporary measures shall not prejudice the rights, demands or status of the disputants. The Security Council shall It is counted that the disputants did not take these temporary measures to account.  

    Article 41
    The Security Council may decide what measures must be taken that do not require the use of armed forces to implement its decisions, and it may request the Members of the United Nations to implement these measures, and it may be among them the cessation of economic links and rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic and wireless communications and other The means of transportation were partially or completely suspended and diplomatic relations severed.  

    Article 42
    If the Security Council considers that the measures provided for in Article 41 are not sufficient for the purpose or it has been proven that they have not, it may take such action by air, sea and land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. These actions may include demonstrations, confinement and other operations by the air, sea or land forces of Members of the United Nations.  

    Article 43
    All Members of the United Nations undertake, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, to place at the disposal of the Security Council, at its request and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, the necessary armed forces, aid and facilities necessary to maintain international peace and security, including the right of passage.  

    Such agreement or agreements shall specify the number and types of these forces, their readiness, their locations in general, and the type of facilities and assistance to be provided.  
    The aforementioned agreement or agreements shall be negotiated as soon as possible upon the request of the Security Council, and concluded between the Security Council and the members of the United Nations or between it and groups of members of the United Nations, and ratified by the signatory states in accordance with the requirements of their constitutional conditions.  
    Article 44
    If the Security Council decides to use force, before asking a member not represented on it to provide armed forces in fulfillment of the obligations stipulated in Article 43, it should invite that member to participate, if it so desires, in the decisions it issues with regard to the use of units of the forces of This member is armed.  

    Article 45
    In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures, Members shall have national air units which may be used immediately for combined international acts of suppression. The Security Council determines the forces of these units, the extent of their readiness and plans for their joint actions, with the assistance of the War Staff Committee and within the limits stipulated in the agreement or special agreements referred to in Article 43.  

    Article 46
    Plans for the use of armed force shall be drawn up by the Security Council with the assistance of the War Staff Committee.  

    Article 47 There shall
    be a Committee of the Staff of War, whose task it is to provide advice and aid to the Security Council and to cooperate with it in all matters relating to the necessary military needs for maintaining international peace and security, for the use and command of the forces at its disposal, and for regulating armament and disarmament, to the extent possible.  

    The War Staff Committee is formed from the chiefs of war staff of the permanent members of the Security Council or their representative. The Committee shall invite any member of the “United Nations” who is not permanently represented in it to supervise its work if the good performance of the Committee’s responsibilities requires that this member contribute to her job.  
    The War Staff Committee is responsible, under the auspices of the Security Council, for the strategic direction of any armed forces placed at the Council's disposal. Questions relating to the command of such forces shall be worked out later.  
    The War Staff Committee may establish regional subcommittees if authorized by the Security Council and after consultation with the relevant regional agencies.  
    Article 48
    The actions necessary for the implementation of Security Council resolutions to maintain international peace and security shall be carried out by all members of the "United Nations" or some of those members, as decided by the Council.  

    Members of the "United Nations" implement the above resolutions directly and through the work of the specialized international agencies of which they are members.  
    Article 49
    The Members of the United Nations shall unite to provide mutual assistance for the implementation of the measures decided upon by the Security Council.  

    Article 50
    If the Security Council takes measures of prevention or repression against any State, then every other State - whether it is a Member of the "United Nations" or not - which faces special economic problems arising from the implementation of these measures, has the right to consult with the Security Council in connection with the resolution of these measures. problems.  

    Article 51
    Nothing in this Charter shall impair or detract from the natural right of States, individually or collectively, to defend themselves if an armed force attacks a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council takes the necessary measures to maintain international peace and security, and the measures taken by Members Using the right of self-defense, it shall be immediately reported to the Council, and such measures shall in no way affect the Council's right - under its continuing authority and responsibilities of the provisions of this Charter - to take at any time what it deems necessary to take actions to maintain or restore international peace and security. .  

    The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, stressed today, Wednesday, that by ending the Iraqi compensation file for Kuwait, we are closing a terrible chapter of the absurd war of the tyrannical regime.  
    Saleh said in a blog post, followed by "Nass" (February 23, 2022), that "by ending the file of Iraqi compensation to sisterly Kuwait, we are closing a terrible chapter of the absurd war of the tyrannical regime, and our people and the whole region paid the price for it."    
    "Today, Iraq is moving towards a foreign policy based on establishing the best relations with our brothers and neighbors and the international community, and supporting the security and peace of the region as a common interest for all," he added.    
    Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Iraq had left Chapter VII procedures, after paying all of its financial obligations, while stressing that Iraq was no longer required to pay any additional sums of money in the future.    
    Today, Wednesday, the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) confirmed that the Security Council had terminated the mandate of the Compensation Committee.  
    And the mission stated in a blog post, followed by "Nass" (February 23, 2022), that "a historic milestone for the people of Iraq today: the United Nations Security Council ends the mandate of the Compensation Commission regarding Iraq's compensation to Kuwait."      
    She added that "Iraq is to be commended for its great cooperation in fulfilling its obligations and showing good neighbourliness."      
    The State of Kuwait congratulated Iraq on exiting from Chapter VII of the United Nations, by completing the file for the payment of financial compensation.  
    For more:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  
    Kuwait's permanent representative to the UN Security Council said in the session devoted to the file of compensation and followed by "Nass" (February 23, 2022), that "Iraq bears legal responsibility for the results of the previous regime's invasion of Kuwait."        
    The representative of Kuwait added that "Iraq's fulfillment of its obligations constitutes a new starting point towards the regional and international environment."        
    He stressed that "Kuwait will spare no effort to support Iraq's stability, security, unity and territorial integrity."        
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

      Current date/time is Fri 13 Sep 2024, 9:15 am