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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Parliamentary work: moves to legislate the retirement and social security law

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary work: moves to legislate the retirement and social security law Empty Parliamentary work: moves to legislate the retirement and social security law

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 Jun 2022, 7:19 am

    Parliamentary work: moves to legislate the retirement and social security law

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    Today, Wednesday, the Parliament’s Labor Committee and Civil Society Organizations decided to proceed with the legislation of the “Retirement and Social Security Law for Workers”, after discussing the proposed law with the First Deputy Speaker of the Council, Hakim Al-Zamili.
    This came during a meeting chaired by Al-Zamili, with the Labor Committee and parliamentary civil society organizations, during which they discussed the proposal for the retirement and social security law for workers, with the withdrawal of a statement received by "Al-Iqtisad News".
    Al-Zamili directed, according to the statement, to "accelerate the preparation and maturity of this law in coordination with the Services Committee, stressing that" the law will contribute to creating more job opportunities and reviving non-functional sectors such as agriculture, industry, services and tourism, in addition to encouraging investment.
    In another matter, the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament discussed, during a meeting of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, "the overlap in the tasks and powers of some committees, especially those that were split during the current session or that were created to keep pace with the country's oversight and legislative need."
    Al-Zamili confirmed that there are efforts to "amend the internal system of the council according to the new variables, end the state of overlap and determine the authority of each committee to ensure that the tasks of the committees are not violated."
    He pointed out that "the Integrity Committee is one of the basic committees to monitor government performance, and it is the first wall in the current and upcoming war against the corrupt, to curb corruption that has exhausted the state and the people."

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