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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A human rights center identifies the reasons for the rise in divorce cases in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A human rights center identifies the reasons for the rise in divorce cases in Iraq Empty A human rights center identifies the reasons for the rise in divorce cases in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Jul 2022, 6:52 am

    [size=46]A human rights center identifies the reasons for the rise in divorce cases in Iraq[/size]
    13:35 - 07-27-2022
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    Today, Wednesday, the Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq identified 10 reasons for the rise in divorce cases in Iraq.
    The center’s deputy head, Hazem Al-Rudaini, said in a statement that “the last report issued by the Supreme Judicial Council last month reached 6,330 divorce cases, including 4,660 divorce cases outside the court, at a rate of 73.6% of the total cases, and 1,670 by judicial separation, or 26.4% of the total cases.” .
    He pointed out, "The reasons for this are due to the deteriorating economic reality, the high rate of unemployment, poverty, and openness to the Internet and social media, which opened the door to marital infidelity by both parties, as well as other reasons such as the second marriage without the consent of the first wife, which pushes the first wife to seek divorce. Underage and forced marriage, and some girls consider marriage to be an escape from violence within the family, in addition to the subjective factors that may encourage divorce, such as a lack of awareness and culture.
    He explained that "all of these factors that threatened societal security and the future of children who may grow up in unhealthy conditions, and to address this problem, the government must take a serious stand on the economic level by providing job opportunities for young people, reforming the economic situation, the importance of providing psychological counseling to married couples, addressing domestic violence, and adopting a campaign Nationally to raise culture and awareness of the importance of the family and its role in the renaissance of society.

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