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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 7-30-2022

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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 7-30-2022 Empty KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 7-30-2022

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Jul 2022, 5:28 am

    [size=30]KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 7-30-2022[/size]
    Samson:  Press Release – IMF Determines New Currency Amounts for the SDR Valuation Basket
    29th July, 2022
    The IMF Executive Board approved today new amounts for the five currencies that will determine the value of the Special Drawing Right (SDR) from August 1 onward for a five-year period.
    This completes the final step in implementing the results of the latest review of the method of valuation of the SDR.
    Washington, DC: Today, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced the new amounts for the five currencies that will determine the value of the SDR during the new valuation period that runs from August 1, 2022 until July 31, 2027.

    The Executive Board has decided that, effective August 1, 2022, the value of the SDR will be the sum of the values of the following amounts of each currency: [url= - Press Release %E2%80%93 IMF Determines New Currency Amounts for the SDR Valuation Basket.docx#_ftn1][1][/url]
    U.S. dollar 0.57813
    Euro 0.37379
    Chinese yuan 1.0993
    Japanese yen 13.452
    Pound sterling 0.080870
    Today’s Board’s decision on the amount of each currency in the SDR valuation basket is the final step implementing the results of the latest review of the method of valuation of the SDR, concluded on May 11, 2022.
    At that review, the IMF determined that the composition of the SDR basket and the weights assigned to each currency in the basket will be 43.38 percent for the U.S. dollar, 29.31 percent for the euro, 12.28 percent for the Chinese renminbi, 7.59 percent for the Japanese yen, and 7.44 percent for the pound sterling ([url= effect from August 1,Euro 29.31 percent]See Press Release No. 22/153)[/url].
    The SDR interest rate that will be determined on August 5 and applied for the week of August 8, 2022 will be the first one that reflects the new SDR valuation basket. It will be based on the exchange rates and interest rates that will prevail at the time of its determination, and the above currency amounts.
    The change in the SDR interest rate relative to the previous week will reflect the changes in the shares of currencies in the SDR valuation basket, as well as the changes in the interest rates on each financial instrument in the interest rate basket.
    [url= - Press Release %E2%80%93 IMF Determines New Currency Amounts for the SDR Valuation Basket.docx#_ftnref1][1] [/url]The currency amounts approved by the Executive Board have been calculated such that the value of the SDR in U.S. dollar terms is the same under the new basket as the value of the SDR prevailing today, and that, at the average exchange rates for the three-month period ending today (May 2 through July 29, 2022), the share of each currency in the value of the SDR corresponds to the weight approved by the IMF Executive Board on May 11, 2022.
    IMF Communications Department
    ATPInfinity:  1.)Get ready   2.)Get set  3.)GO
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced the new amounts for the five currencies that will determine the value of the SDR during the new valuation period that runs from August 1, 2022 until July 31, 2027.
    "Today’s Board’s decision on the amount of each currency in the SDR valuation basket is the final step..." WONDER WHY EXACTLY 5 YEARS? August 1, 2022 until July 31, 2027.
    Samson:  A leader in the Sadrist movement announces the start of an open sit-in inside the Iraqi parliament
    The leader of the Sadrist movement, Ibrahim al-Jabri, announced on Saturday that an open sit-in was organized by supporters of the movement inside the parliament building.
    Al-Jabri wrote in a post on his social media page, which was followed by Shafak News Agency; "The people choose the open sit-in in Parliament, may God protect you."
    This morning, a massive demonstration of the Sadrist movement began in Tahrir Square in the center of the capital, Baghdad, and the demonstrators headed to the Green Zone, whose walls they managed to storm, to reach the House of Representatives, which they entered again after they stormed it last Wednesday, for their rejection of the candidate of the coordination framework for prime minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.  LINK

    KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday Afternoon 7-30-2022 .a+big+iraqi+sit+in

    Banbi:  Yes it looks like things are getting way out of control!
    ATPInfinity:   I wonder how mad they will be when Parliament is dissolved, new elections are ordered, the coordo's run to Iran for cover...oh, and You're International now!
    Samson:  Parliamentary Legal : There will be no session of the House of Representatives tomorrow (today)
    The Parliamentary Legal Committee confirmed, today, Friday, that there will be no session of the House of Representatives tomorrow, while it has set a condition for the parliament to return to session.

    The head of the Legal Committee, Muhammad Anouz, told Al-Iraqiya News, and the Iraqi News Agency (INA) followed it, that "10 months have passed since the electoral process, and there are still political overlaps regarding the file of government formation, and we are waiting for the results of the current negotiations."

    He added, "There is a paralysis in the parliament's sessions as well because of the political situation, as we are supposed to witness 8 sessions per month, while the total of its sessions in this legislative session has not exceeded 12 since its first session last January."

    He added that "there is no session tomorrow, and holding the session requires the candidates to come to hold the presidential election session, and the Kurdish brothers have not yet agreed on naming one agreed candidate."   LINK
    ATPInfinity:  Remember, "Handwriting is on the wall",originates in Babylon. Book of Daniel
    "There is a paralysis in the parliament's sessions..."

    Samson:  The people want regime change." Demonstrators chant inside Parliament (video)
    30th July, 2022
    Demonstrators from inside the Iraqi parliament demanded, today, Saturday, to "change the political system" in the country.
    "The people want regime change," the demonstrators chanted inside parliament.
    Today, demonstrators stormed the Green Zone and then the House of Representatives, after which the director of the office of Martyr al-Sadr in Baghdad, Ibrahim al-Jabri, announced an open sit-in inside Parliament; Rejecting the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani for the position of prime minister.
    Samson:  The United Nations Mission in Iraq calls for calm: the escalation is very worrying
    30th July, 2022
    The United Nations mission in Iraq called on Saturday, July 30, 2022, to stop the escalation.
    A statement by the United Nations mission stated that "the ongoing escalation is deeply worrying, and that voices of reason and wisdom are necessary to prevent further violence and encourage all actors to de-escalate for the benefit of all Iraqis."   LINK
    Samson:   Al-Halbousi: Parliament sessions suspended until further notice
    30th July, 2022
    Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi decided on Saturday to suspend Parliament sessions until further notice, calling at the same time, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa al-Kazemi, to take the necessary measures to protect institutions and protect demonstrators.
    Al-Halbousi said in a statement received by Shafak News Agency, "Here we are living in difficult and sensitive times that require all of us to hold back, to show the highest degree of dream and sincere national responsibility, in which everyone bears the results alike, no matter what and which direction they go."
    He added, "Differences in viewpoints, even between the parties, are a normal condition in the most advanced countries and among the most powerful democracies in the world, and whatever its climax, dialogue is the solution. The consequences of matters and their catastrophic outcomes if this tension and tension continues.”
    He continued, "In terms of national, political and functional responsibility, and in compliance with the constitutional oath of Article 50 of the Constitution, which obligated us to preserve the interests of the people, and based on Article 62 of the House of Representatives Law and its formations No. 13 of 2018, and Article 34/eighth of the bylaws of the House of Representatives, it was decided to suspend Parliament sessions will be held until further notice.
    Al-Halbousi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, called for "taking the necessary measures to protect institutions and protect the demonstrators, whom I call on to maintain their peace and preserve state property."
    The Speaker of Parliament also called on leaders and political blocs to "an urgent national meeting; to achieve an effective and responsible national dialogue, the outcomes of which will be for the sake of the country, and to give priority to its interests over all partisan and factional interests, and to meet on one opinion that preserves the country and the capabilities of the people, and expresses us from this long and prolonged crisis." Waiting for the people to solve it."   LINK
    DCDriver:   Real change only happens when the people rise up. We would be waiting forever if we had to depend on slug politicians with their rhetoric and timeframes. Maybe now we will see something actually change IMO.
    Samson:  Al-Kazemi calls on the political blocs to dialogue and understanding, and to stay away from the language of treason and exclusion
    07/30/2022 16:24:35
    *Text of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s speech regarding developments in current events*
     In the name of of Allah the Merciful
    Our great Iraqi people..
    My sisters, brothers and sons... My good family..
    May peace, mercy and blessings be upon you..
    I address you in this very sensitive circumstance, with all sincerity and love, and in this holy and Muharram month, and we are a people known for believing in lofty and noble values and principles.
    This patient and sacrificial people, who have never been stingy for the sake of Iraq from its northernmost to its southernmost, and from its east to its west, deserves from us a response befitting the scale of these sacrifices... 
    Our people yearn for life, and they do not like strife, blood, strife, revenge, and strife, and they do not like malice and hatred, and they look forward to a future equal to the size of the sacrifices and suffering they went through.
    Accordingly, the political blocs must sit down, negotiate and reach an understanding for the sake of Iraq and the Iraqis, and the language of treason and exclusion must be avoided, and a high and inclusive patriotic spirit must be displayed. A thousand days of quiet dialogue is better than a moment in which a drop of Iraqi blood is shed.
    I call on everyone to be calm, patient and rational, and not be drawn into confrontation, and I call on citizens not to clash with the security forces and to respect state institutions. We must all cooperate to stop those who accelerate this sedition, and everyone must know very well that the fire of sedition will burn everyone. 
    The circumstance is very difficult, and this is a bitter reality with great regret, and we must cooperate and unite all, so as not to push ourselves into the abyss. We have to govern our minds, consciences and conscience, and rally around Iraq and the Iraqis, not around narrow interests
    Everyone bears the responsibility... the parties, the political class, the social forces and other influencers.. We have to say it, yes, everyone, and everyone must act according to the rules of wisdom and insight for the sake of Iraq, so that we do not lose again.
    Iraq is a trust, so let's not lose this trust... 
    This is a word I say honestly, and I hear what is said in secret and in public, and we are honest, but we hope that others will be honest this time for the sake of Iraq and the Iraqis...
    We will bear the responsibility, and we are ready to do anything for Iraq, without hesitation.. The dilemma is political, and its solution is political, and the solution is possible through sincere and constructive dialogue, and making concessions for the sake of Iraq and the Iraqis. 
    There are enough wise men and men in Iraq, but beware of the continuation of political tension, lest the mines that we have sought for the past two years to quietly dismantle...
    I lived.And Iraq lived as a homeland for us and our children
    Peace, mercy and blessings of God
    Mustafa Al-Kazemi 
    Prime Minister
    Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces 
    30th July 2022   LINK[/size]

      Current date/time is Tue 25 Jun 2024, 7:00 pm