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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The President of the Republic: It is necessary to provide the requirements needed by the journalisti

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The President of the Republic: It is necessary to provide the requirements needed by the journalisti Empty The President of the Republic: It is necessary to provide the requirements needed by the journalisti

    Post by Rocky Mon 14 Nov 2022, 4:59 am

    [size=35][size=35]The President of the Republic: It is necessary to provide the requirements needed by the journalistic work[/size]
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    2022-11-14 | 05:12
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    Alsumaria News - Localities

    The President of the Republic, Abd al-Latif Rashid, stressed today, Monday, the need to provide all the necessary requirements needed by the journalistic work, noting the huge sacrifices made by Iraqi journalists and media professionals during the past years in order to communicate the free word.

    The media office of the President of the Republic stated, in a statement received by [url= %D9%86%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%B2/ar/]Alsumaria News[/url], that "Rasheed received, today, Monday, at the Peace Palace in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], a delegation that included elite Iraqi academics, analysts, journalists, and writers."

    He added, "At the outset of the meeting, the members of the delegation presented congratulations to the president on his election as president of the republic," noting that "his election ended the political impasse in the country, expressing optimism that the presidency of the republic under the shadow of President [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%81 %D8%AC%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84 %D8%B1%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%AF/ar/]Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid[/url] would be an extension of the path of former President Jalal." Talabani, while the President appreciated the good feelings of the members of the delegation.

    The statement indicated that "the President of the Republic stressed the important role played by academics, media professionals, and writers in the country by conveying the citizen's voice to the official authorities, as well as evaluating and enriching government work through studies and research in various specializations, especially in the economic aspect," stressing "his desire to review the studies." And research issued by the Iraqi elites and competencies and benefit from them.

    And he continued, "Rasheed pointed out the need to give academics, thinkers, and journalists attention and support, to benefit from their experiences to enhance the work of state institutions," pointing to "the importance of standards of professionalism and objectivity, protecting civil and societal peace, and rejecting division and rumors that seek to disturb public opinion."
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    The statement concluded, "[url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%81 %D8%AC%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84 %D8%B1%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%AF/ar/]Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid[/url] noted the great sacrifices made by Iraqi journalists and media professionals over the past years in order to communicate the free word," pointing to "the need to provide all the necessary requirements needed by the journalistic work in the country and to protect journalists and media professionals in a way that enables them to perform their message." humanity objectively and professionally."

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