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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

    Member of Parliamentary Finance: The 2023 budget will exceed 200 trillion dinars

    Admin Assist
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    Member of Parliamentary Finance: The 2023 budget will exceed 200 trillion dinars Empty Member of Parliamentary Finance: The 2023 budget will exceed 200 trillion dinars

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 Feb 2023, 4:29 am

    Member of Parliamentary Finance: The 2023 budget will exceed 200 trillion dinars

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Nermin Maarouf, confirmed, on Friday, that the size of the 2023 budget amount exceeds 200 trillion dinars.
    Maarouf said, "The recent changes and the reduction in dollar prices disrupted or delayed sending the budget from the government to parliament," indicating that "the price of the dollar in the budget has not been determined yet after the government approved reducing its price and circulation to 1,300 dinars per dollar."
    And she added, "Changing the price of the dollar and its official approval will determine the budget deficit and its amount, if any, and we are awaiting the official approval of the dollar price in the next budget."
    "The volume of the 2023 budget exceeds 200 trillion dinars, and it is awaiting the arrival of the budget to parliament and discussing its doors in detail," Maarouf said in an interview with "Shafaq News" agency, followed by "Al-Iqtisad News".

    Views 49
    Added 02/10/2023 - 12:38 PM
    Updated 2023/02/10 - 1:27 PM

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