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    Credit rating places Iraq at the forefront of "high-risk" Arab countries

    Admin Assist
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    Credit rating places Iraq at the forefront of "high-risk" Arab countries Empty Credit rating places Iraq at the forefront of "high-risk" Arab countries

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Feb 2023, 4:48 am

    Credit rating places Iraq at the forefront of "high-risk" Arab countries

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    2023-02-12 01:00

    Shafaq News / Moody's credit rating agency announced that Iraq had obtained a high-risk credit, while the UAE had the best credit among the Arab countries and Lebanon the lowest.
    Moody's said in a statistic seen by Shafaq News agency, "Iraq obtained a stable credit rating during the year 2022, which is CAA1 stable, which puts it in the category of weak obligations and carrying very high credit risks, but the stable view of Iraq reflects the balance between positive developments in recent times." The last one that took place in 2022 and the fragility of the financial, economic and political situation in general.

    According to Moody's, "The UAE came at the top of the list of Arab countries with the highest credit rating, with a score of AA2, which is a high credit worthiness, and a stable future outlook for the Emirates. Qatar came second, with a score of AA3, which is a good credit score, followed by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia with the same degree of A1, which is a medium to good credit score." ".
    And she continued, “Morocco came fifth with a score of Ba1, which is non-investment, and Oman came sixth, with a score of Ba2, which is non-investment, while Jordan, Bahrain and Egypt came with a score of B1, B2, and B3, respectively, and it is risky, while Lebanon was appended to the ranking of the Arab countries table with a score of C, and it is faltering, which means The lowest in valuation and usually the value of recovery of obligations is low.
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