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    Agricultural loans from Austria and Saudi Arabia to reduce waste in water quotas

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    Agricultural loans from Austria and Saudi Arabia to reduce waste in water quotas Empty Agricultural loans from Austria and Saudi Arabia to reduce waste in water quotas

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 Mar 2023, 7:44 am

    [size=30]Agricultural loans from Austria and Saudi Arabia to reduce waste in water quotas
    [ltr]2023.03.15 - 12:05[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas  
    The Minister of Agriculture, Abbas Jabr Al-Olayawi, revealed the existence of agricultural loans from Austria and Saudi Arabia, to reduce waste in water quotas, while indicating that the three-year budget includes the establishment of an agricultural fund.  
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    Al-Olayawi said in an interview with the official newspaper, “Nass” (March 15, 2023), that his ministry has taken several steps to develop the sector in the country, the most important of which is the approval of the agricultural plan with an area of ​​four million dunums for desert lands and two and a half million dunums for irrigated lands. The ministry also provided full support by providing Fertilizers at a rate of 50 percent, of both types Dab and Urea, in addition to providing seeds at a rate of 70 percent, and vaccines and pesticides for the success of the agricultural process, free of charge.  
    Al-Olayawi indicated that the most important thing that will distinguish the ministry’s plan within the three-year budget is the agricultural fund, which will contribute to the development of agricultural activities and this will affect the process of encouraging investment within the sector, both plant and animal, as well as participation with the private sector, which sponsors investment companies and the entry of businessmen into the country, which he considered an opportunity. Great for revitalizing the agricultural sector and pushing it towards development.  
    He pointed out that the Prime Minister's initiative to appoint 2,000 veterinarians within the budget, in addition to appointing four thousand of them later as a second meal, will contribute to filling the shortage in veterinary departments, revealing a trend towards smart agriculture to reduce water consumption by providing sprinkler systems, and there are loans from the company ( Bauer) of Austria with an amount of 300 million euros, and a Saudi loan, in addition to the ministry’s budget, all of which will contribute to reducing waste in water, of which Iraq is already suffering from a severe shortage.  
    For his part, the Technical Undersecretary of the Ministry, Mithaq Abdul-Hussein, said in an interview with the same newspaper, that the agricultural week is an annual tradition that aims to review the activities that have been achieved during a whole year, and all departments and directorates of agriculture and investment companies, Arab and foreign that have a relationship with the agricultural sector, participate in it, revealing the participation Approximately 154 companies, 45 of them Arab, are considered effective within government plans to increase agricultural production in quantity and quality. Modern technologies play a prominent and vital role in enriching the agricultural field with scientific research and experiences derived from countries that preceded Iraq in this regard.  
    And he indicated that his ministry is currently focusing on increasing agricultural production and advancing livestock, while giving priority to grain production and granting technologies that the private sector does not possess, because of the hard currencies they provide to the country, noting that the development of the sector is carried out by adopting specialized scientific studies and research with solid origins and specialized exhibitions that It will transfer the experiences of the countries of the world in the agricultural field, and by employing the efforts of the ministries supporting the work of its ministry during the coming period, in a manner that will contribute to supporting the Iraqi economy, especially supplying the food basket with the items of the ration card and thus raising the contribution of the agricultural sector to the domestic product to global levels.  
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