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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    E-Vets Newsletter September 2014


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    E-Vets Newsletter  September  2014 Empty E-Vets Newsletter September 2014

    Post by Neno Sat 20 Sep 2014, 10:38 am

    September 2014
    Upcoming Events

    Welcome Home Healthcare Benefits Fair
    Saturday, September 20
    12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Austin Outpatient Clinic
    7901 Metropolis Blvd.
    Austin, TX 78744

    Find out more at:

    For information on upcoming Veterans Events in your area, please visit the
    TVC Calendar.

    TVC is hiring!

    Check out the job openings on our website at this link:
    TVC is committed to hiring Veterans and is proud to employ the highest percentage of Veterans among all state agencies.

    Veteran Partners & Online Resources

    Veterans Portal
    Veterans Land Board
    Texas Military Forces
    Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
    Texas Workforce Commission
    TexVet: Get Connected
    211 Texas
    Texas Lottery Commission
    Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans

    Please send comments or suggestions to
     Latest TVC News
    Texas Veterans Commission Health Care Strike Force Team to assist Veterans at Welcome Home Benefits Fair
    The Texas Veterans Health Care Strike Force Team liaisons are teaming up with the Veterans Land Board (VLB) to provide one-on-one consultations for Veterans across the state who are having trouble accessing VA health care related services.
    The event will be held this Saturday, September 20, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Austin Outpatient Clinic, 7901 Metropolis Dr., Austin TX 78744. Click here for more information or to register for an appointment:



    Texas Veterans Commission recognizes media and employers for service to Veterans
    Last week, five journalists and seven employers were recognized at the Texas Veterans Commission 67th Annual Statewide Training Conference in Houston, Texas, for extraordinary service to Texas Veterans and their families. The second annual Excellence in Media Awards were divided into five categories: Television, Radio, Print, Photojournalism, and Student. The Employer Awards fell into seven categories: Large Employer, Medium Employer, Small Employer, Employer of Disabled Veterans, Extra Mile, Local Workforce Center, and Local Workforce Development Board.
    "We are here to celebrate and acknowledge the hard work that these journalists and businesses have put into focusing on Veterans," said Thomas Palladino, Texas Veterans Commission Executive Director. "Veteran-friendly employers are the key to Texas' success in getting our nation's heroes back to the workforce, and Veteran-focused media helps bring their stories and their struggles to the general public.
    For a list of the Media Award Winners, click here:
    For a list of the Employer Award Winners, click here:

    Virtual Coffee features Women Veterans VA Benefits
    On September 25 at 2:00 p.m., the Texas Veterans Commission Women Veterans Initiative will continue the webinar series, “Office Hours,” which features information about VA benefits for Women Veterans and their families. The Women Veterans Claims Coordinator will present information on VA benefits, healthcare, how to file claims, and answer any questions about benefits and programs for Women Veterans.
    Click here to register:


    Texas Veterans Commission to accept applications for advisory committee members
    Starting today, Texas Veterans Commission will begin accepting applications to fill membership vacancies on the following committees: Veterans Employment and Training Advisory Committee, Fund for Veterans' Assistance Advisory Committee, and Veterans Communication Advisory Committee. Terms begin January 1, 2015.
    Each advisory committee will review issues and provide advice to the Commission, as charged by the Commission.
    To apply for membership on a committee, please submit an online application here:

    News from State and Federal Partners
    Support for Vets during Suicide Prevention Month
    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) have kicked off "The Power of 1" campaign for the month of September, which is Suicide Prevention Month. The campaign emphasizes the effect that just one person, one conversation, or one act can have on the life of a Veteran or servicemember, and aims to spread the word about VA and DoD mental health resources and suicide prevention efforts.
    To read more about the campaign, click here:

    Texas Workforce Commission and Austin Community College offer new Veterans
    training program
    Austin Community College, in partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission, is proud to announce an outstanding training opportunity for Veterans. The ACC Veterans Training Program offers 14 fast-track training options designed to quickly prepare students for entry into one of four job fields within the rapidly growing information technology industry. There is no cost for qualified Veterans to participate in this program.
    For more information, click here:
    You can also contact Heather Bonham at 512-224-0128 or [][/email]

    Type I Fortified Land Sale Now Open
    Since 1946, Texas Veterans have been able to finance land purchases on favorable terms through the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB). The VLB has just opened up sale on a Type I Fortified Land, which features tracts in 7 counties, totaling more than 467 acres.
    To learn more about the land sale, click here:

    News From Around the Web
    Local network connects Veterans with PTSD resources
    Read more at:

    U.S. will train 50,000 Veterans to install solar panels
    Read more at:
    Debate over VA death links could impact Veterans' lawsuits
    Read more at:
    UT Austin sees rise in Veterans as new law supports massive growth
    Read more at:
    Uber seeks to put Veterans behind the wheel
    Read more at:

    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    E-Vets Newsletter  September  2014 Empty Re: E-Vets Newsletter September 2014

    Post by Neno Sat 20 Sep 2014, 10:45 am

    Finally, I may get to use a benefit for my last child for college.... ;)

    UT Austin sees rise in veterans as new law supports massive growth

    By Amanda Brandeis  Published: September 4, 2014, 10:53 am   Updated: September 4, 2014, 7:12 pm  

    AUSTIN (KXAN) — A new bill that went into effect this week aims to help veterans and their families across Texas. Senate Bill 1158 specifically deals with higher education. One thing it will do is fund regional coordinators throughout the state to work with veterans and family members attending college. In the past few years, there’s been an uptick of veterans in Texas, and colleges and universities are seeing that growth.

    Ben Armstrong, director of Student Veteran Services with UT Austin, says the state understood that this increase was happening and says these resources will be helpful to campuses across the state. From 2008 to 2014, UT Austin alone saw a more than 700 percent increase in veterans and their family members attending school.

    None of these veterans has the same story, and each face their own challenges after they’ve served in the military.

    “I retired out of the Navy after 26 years, I worked in operations and intelligence,” says UT Austin student, David Lessenberry.

    “I was in the Army, I was stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina in the 82nd,” says another UT student, Matthew McKee. “When you’re a teacher and look out across a crowd of students, and you see a beard, you can obviously tell you’re not the conventional student.”

    Student Veteran Services at UT Austin gives these veterans a place to turn. The new legislation now in effect will expand services statewide.

    “We’re definitely not 18 to 20-something year olds, so it’s a little harder to relate to people. Here, it’s a hub to meet people that went through the same, similar situations you did,” said McKee.
    “It’s really important to know there’s a resource you can go talk to, someone who understands the challenges your having,” said Lessenberry.

    The bill also transfers the tuition exemption program for veterans family members from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to the Texas Veterans Commission.

    Armstrong says the largest benefit for students and the university is it moves the benefit under a state agency efficient in governing veteran’s benefits. The Texas Veterans Commission has experience and a greater knowledge of serving veterans and their diverse needs.

    Additionally, the bill creates a veteran education excellence recognition award to honor institutions for their work providing veterans education and services.

    So while the road ahead may not always be easy, veterans on campuses across Texas won’t be on that road alone.

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 7:58 pm