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    Washington steps in and wants to resume exporting Kurdistan oil through Türkiye

    Admin Assist
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    Washington steps in and wants to resume exporting Kurdistan oil through Türkiye Empty Washington steps in and wants to resume exporting Kurdistan oil through Türkiye

    Post by Rocky Sat 30 Sep 2023, 6:52 am

    Washington steps in and wants to resume exporting Kurdistan oil through Türkiye
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Saturday (September 30, 2023), oil expert Bahjat Ahmed revealed that there is a desire in the United States of America to resume the export of Kurdistan region oil via Turkey, while specifying two reasons for the existence of this desire.
    On (March 25, 2023), Iraq won an arbitration case filed before the arbitration panel of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris against Ankara regarding the export of crude oil from the Kurdistan region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan without referring to the Iraqi oil marketing company “SOMO.”
    Ahmed said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the United States’ desire stems from the loss of American oil companies operating in the region, and Washington does not want to lose them.”
    He added, "The other reason is related to the price of oil in the world, as the return of the export of Kurdistan's oil prevents the price from rising in global markets, and as we note, the price of oil has tended to rise during the recent period."
    The Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government had signed an agreement on the fourth of last April, which stipulated that the region would export 400,000 barrels of oil per day through the National Oil Company “SOMO,” naming a representative of the region there as assistant president of the company, and opening a bank account for the regional government. Imports from the sale of oil are transferred to it, provided that it is subject to the supervision of the Federal Office of Financial Supervision.
    The halt in Kurdistan's oil exports prompted several foreign companies, including American and Canadian companies, operating in the region to stop issuing their production forecasts. According to previous reports.
    The Norwegian oil company DNO has canceled its production expectations in the region, as has Genel Energy , which has canceled its production expectations in 2023, saying that it is no longer suitable for announcement in light of the closure of the pipeline between Iraq and And Turkey.
    Source: Baghdad Today
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