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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hakim, leader of the international coalition must respect Iraq's sovereignty and reject the existenc

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Hakim, leader of the international coalition must respect Iraq's sovereignty and reject the existenc Empty Hakim, leader of the international coalition must respect Iraq's sovereignty and reject the existenc

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Oct 2014, 4:04 am

    Hakim, leader of the international coalition must respect Iraq's sovereignty and reject the existence of any ground troops

    10/3/2014 0 

    Ammar al-Hakim met with President of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council office in Baghdad on Friday, Gen. John Allen, the commander of the international coalition against Daash and new American ambassador to Iraq, John Stewart. A statement for the presidency of the Supreme Council of the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of which was that "the two sides discussed security developments in Iraq and ways to cope with Daash and terrorist groups." But he stressed, according to the statement on "respect for the sovereignty of Iraq and international support investment in the face of Daash," calling for "support the security forces and armament intelligence information." The new al-Hakim "rejection of the existence of any ground troops on Iraqi soil," praising "the efforts of the popular crowd," stressing "the importance of institutionalizing the popular crowd and managed to give her sons the mujahideen. And between the head of the Supreme Council that "Iraq is engaged in a fierce war with more regulations and a rejection of terrorism on behalf of another world," noting that "terrorism will spread a cancerous tumor in the region if it does not Astasal in the time required."
    The State Department has announced that the coordinator of the international coalition Gen. George retired John Allen arrived in Iraq on Thursday, accompanied by his deputy Brett McGurk to meet with Iraqi officials and officials of other countries to discuss American support for Iraq and cooperate with him in the fight against Daash. "

    Launched the international coalition led by the United States more than 230 sites a raid on an al Daash in Iraq since the eighth last August until the first of October, has expanded the scope of the coalition military operations to include Syria also in the twenty-second of September Almadi.anthy 

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