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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance warns of “very negative repercussions” as the dollar continues to rise

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance warns of “very negative repercussions” as the dollar continues to rise Empty Parliamentary Finance warns of “very negative repercussions” as the dollar continues to rise

    Post by Rocky Thu 02 Nov 2023, 4:52 am

    Parliamentary Finance warns of “very negative repercussions” as the dollar continues to rise
    • Time: 11/02/2023 12:22:04
    • Read: 169 times

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    {Local: Al-Furat News} Baghdad Governorate is working with the Ministry of Education to end the issue of caravan schools, by providing the necessary lands to establish new schools on them, stressing the capital’s need for 1,000 schools in the center and peripheries.
    Ali Jabbar Mu'nis told Al-Furat News Agency, "The issue of rising parallel exchange rates has become exhausting for the Iraqi street and is a factor of weakness for the government."
    He added, "If the government is unable to address this issue, it will have a negative impact on its performance, especially since the difference between the official and parallel prices is large."
    Mu'nis pointed out, "The government deals at the official price of 1,320 dinars, while its price in the parallel market is much higher. There must be a deal and agreement with the US Federal Bank and address this matter because its repercussions are very negative."
    Advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, revealed that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will soon announce a new banking service for small merchants that will lead to a decrease in the exchange rate and facilitate their work procedures.
    Al-Shammari said in a televised statement, “Those who manipulate the dollar are speculators, and the government provides the dollar through official platforms, and the government is not subject to blackmail by speculators who seek profit at the expense of citizens.”
    From.. Raghad Dahham
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