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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    It will govern 47% of the governorates.. The coordination framework reveals its future goals

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    It will govern 47% of the governorates.. The coordination framework reveals its future goals Empty It will govern 47% of the governorates.. The coordination framework reveals its future goals

    Post by Rocky Thu 28 Dec 2023, 4:26 am

    It will govern 47% of the governorates.. The coordination framework reveals its future goals
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    The coordination framework, which brings together the Shiite political forces, confirmed today, Thursday (December 28, 2023), that most of the local governments will be managed by it, while explaining the goal of that.
    The leader of the framework, Aed Al-Hilali, told “Baghdad Today,” “The coordination framework has formed a bloc that brings together all its forces in all the provincial councils. This bloc has the majority of seats in the majority of the councils, and for this reason most of the local governments will be formed by him and he will manage them.”
    Al-Hilali stated, “The coordination framework seeks to form strong local governments that are consistent with the Sudanese curriculum and his government in order to achieve a qualitative breakthrough in the construction and services file, and this is what we want to achieve during the next stage, and the citizen will feel this matter very soon.”
    The coordination framework achieved the largest number of seats in seven governorates: Baghdad, Maysan, Diwaniyah, Muthanna, Dhi Qar, Najaf, and Babil, out of 15 governorates that participated in the governorate council elections, according to an analysis of the votes based on the Saint-Lego method, according to the Al-Shams Election Monitoring Network, and this means that about 47% Of the governorates will be managed by the coordination framework.
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