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    The one basket option... exceptional moves to resolve 3 problems that hinder the birth of the Diyala

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The one basket option... exceptional moves to resolve 3 problems that hinder the birth of the Diyala Empty The one basket option... exceptional moves to resolve 3 problems that hinder the birth of the Diyala

    Post by Rocky Tue 05 Mar 2024, 5:12 am

    The one basket option... exceptional moves to resolve 3 problems that hinder the birth of the Diyala government
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Diyala
     Today, Tuesday (March 5, 2024), member of the Diyala Provincial Council, Aws al-Mahdawi, revealed that there are three problems hindering the formation of the next local government.
    Al-Mahdawi said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the problem of forming the next local government in Diyala does not stop at deciding the candidate for the position of governor,” noting that “there are sharp disagreements over the position of the head of the council, his deputy, and the deputy governor, as we are facing a complex scene whose solutions cannot be resolved.” Without adopting a single basket to present all candidates in one session.”
    Al-Mahdawi added, "Extraordinary movements have been taking place for 48 hours between Diyala and Baghdad to proceed with a road map that pushes for the formation of the next government in a way that dispels the concerns that have begun to afflict public opinion in the province, with challenges that cannot be overlooked, whether in the political or security scene."
    He pointed out that "without political consensuses between Diyala and Baghdad, the next government cannot be formed, calling on all parties to the necessity of striving diligently to solve the problem of the local government and create consensuses that lead to determining the names of the candidates."
    A member of the Diyala Council, Aws al-Mahdawi, representing the Kurdish component, confirmed on Sunday (March 3, 2024) the difficulty of being on the opposition side, with his only seat representing the Kurds in Diyala, in any upcoming government formation for the governorate.
    Al-Mahdawi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "The Kurds represent 20% of Diyala society, and they are the second nationality after the Arabs, and their presence in the provincial council is to represent them and guarantee their rights in accordance with the constitutional and legal contexts."
    He added, "The Kurds are the egg in the political process in Diyala and they played important roles in creating stability and flexibility in all past sessions by adopting important goals, which are defusing tension between the parties, pushing crises to the table of meaningful dialogue, and striving to crystallize a harmonious political process between the sects and components because Diyala is a miniature Iraq.”
    He pointed out that "it is very difficult for the Kurds to be in any opposition in Diyala, and they are a cornerstone of any upcoming local government because it is a major component entitlement," pointing out that "the proposals are focused on forming a government that represents everyone, with the necessity of having a strong opposition that monitors and interrogates because it is a health condition that will enhance Finally, from censorship.
    The Diyala Council consists of 15 seats, with the Sunni and Shiite forces sharing 7 for each, while the Diyala Council needs to ensure an alliance of seats to resolve the majority and form the local government, which cannot be achieved even with the Kurdish seat joining the Shiite or Sunni forces, and it requires a seat from Milan. Shiite or Sunni forces on one side.
    The Diyala Council still has not held its session dedicated to resolving the positions of the Provincial Council and naming the governor for the next four years, as tribal and political disputes continue over the identity of the next governor.
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      Current date/time is Sun 16 Jun 2024, 1:40 am