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    Iraq records the highest quarterly growth rate in customs revenues

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraq records the highest quarterly growth rate in customs revenues Empty Iraq records the highest quarterly growth rate in customs revenues

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Apr 2024, 5:30 am

    Iraq records the highest quarterly growth rate in customs revenues

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Head of the Customs Authority, Hassan Hamoud Al-Ugaili, announced the highest quarterly growth rate in customs revenues in the authority’s history, indicating the escalation of steps to implement the automation system (ASYCUDA) in five land and sea centers. 
    Al-Ugaili said in a statement followed by Al-Iqtisad News: “We achieved outstanding financial results in the first quarter of 2024, with revenues increasing since the beginning of the millennium by 120%, amounting to more than 471 billion dinars, compared to revenues for the year 2023 amounting to 257 billion dinars.” 
    He attributed this increase in revenues to the Commission’s adoption of a number of administrative reforms, as well as accountability, monitoring, and strictness in combating smuggling and evasion, in addition to simplifying and reconsidering obstructive procedures, punishing abusers, and referring corruption cases to the Integrity Commission, in addition to implementing the ASYCUDA automation system, which has enhanced a significant leap in the volume of Revenues are sufficient to achieve added annual revenue by reducing the budget deficit gap and financing many important strategic projects in financing public budgets. 
    Al-Ugaili stressed the importance of the region’s authority’s commitment to the pricing system to collect customs duties at the region’s ports and to close unofficial ones in order to preserve the sustainability of the economic system and federal revenues, to protect national goods and products, to ensure the extraction of rights and fees from imported goods, to prevent any competition that might harm the local economy, and to prevent the entry of prohibited goods. It was necessary to The region carries out customs transactions in accordance with the Federal Customs Law. 
    Al-Ugaili also revealed that all administrative and technical procedures have been prepared for the opening of the automation system (ASYCUDA) during the next month of May in five customs centers in each of the central port and the southern port in Umm Qasr, as well as in the Safwan land port with the State of Kuwait, the Arar land port with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Tarbil port. Land with the Kingdom of Jordan, bringing the operational total of automation to 9 land, sea and air ports. 
    He stated that the Authority has completed training programs for about 800 people, including employees, discharge agents and transport companies, to work on the smart automation platform, machine learning (ML) and other cognitive technologies for collecting data. This allows companies and discharge agents to reduce the manual time spent on repetitive business processes and reduce human errors, with a decrease in... Human intervention, which saves companies time and money, reduces resource expenses, enhances workflow through automatic responses and can provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, calling on importing and transporting companies with headquarters in Baghdad to join their workers and join the mandatory courses at the center. Which was recently opened at the Authority’s headquarters.

    Views 144
    Added 04/16/2024 - 10:21 AM
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