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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Defense refuses to build American base in Arbil and considers it the beginning of the

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Defense refuses to build American base in Arbil and considers it the beginning of the  Empty Parliamentary Defense refuses to build American base in Arbil and considers it the beginning of the

    Post by Rocky Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:24 am

    Parliamentary Defense refuses to build American base in Arbil and considers it the beginning of the occupation of Iraq 

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
     Rejection of the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary member Majid Ghraoui Saturday, the determination of the United States to build a military base in the Kurdistan region, viewing it as the beginning of the occupation of Iraq, as pointed out that Washington wants to divide the country and the establishment of a Sunni region in order to isolate some of the provinces of the Government Center. 

     Ghraoui said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "America's determination to build a military base in the north of Erbil, Harir area is unacceptable," noting that "the end of it from the occupation of Iraq and the pressure on the new government center to get special privileges." 

     He Ghraoui "We do not rule out the entry of ground troops to Iraq under the pretext of fighting al Daash as the rule that America's plans to build be pivotal Iraq, Syria," adding that "Washington wants to have a foothold through the achievement of economic and military interests in Iraq." 

     Ghraoui said that "America wants through the division of Iraq and the establishment of a Sunni region of the country and to isolate some of the provinces of the Government Center," pointing out that "the House of Representatives will show his direction this issue over the coming sessions." 

     The agency revealed, "Bass News" Kurdish, the first Thursday (23 October 2014), that the US military will begin to build a base in the area north of silk city of Arbil in the existing military airport. 

     It is noteworthy that the United States did not formally declare yet outlined ground in Iraq and Syria to intervene or to build military bases, but the political and parliamentary circles accuses Washington of trying to enter the country's ground forces and building military bases. 

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