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    Sudanese reveals the volume of exchange with America

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    Sudanese reveals the volume of exchange with America Empty Sudanese reveals the volume of exchange with America

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Apr 2024, 5:22 am

    Sudanese reveals the volume of exchange with America

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced the introduction of a law to address the challenges of the private sector, and while he indicated that 80% of transfers are proceeding in accordance with international standards, according to the US Treasury Department, he confirmed that Iraq is moving for the first time towards establishing a fixed platform to receive liquefied gas.
    A statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Media Office, received by Al-Iqtisad News, stated that “Al-Sudani met in Washington, on Wednesday evening (Baghdad time), with a number of presidents and representatives of major American companies, in a session held by the American Chamber of Commerce.”
    The statement added, "The meeting included a dialogue session with the attendees, where the Prime Minister explained a number of questions that were raised during the meeting, related to the investment environment in Iraq and the facilities provided by the government to the private sector."
     During the meeting, the Prime Minister sponsored "the signing ceremony of a number of memorandums of understanding between the Ministries of Electricity and Oil and the Iraq Fund for Development, with American institutions and companies. Similar memorandums of understanding were also signed between the Iraqi private sector and American companies in the fields of energy and the pharmaceutical industry."
    The Prime Minister pointed out, during his speech, “the openness of the investment environment in Iraq to attract reputable international companies, to participate in the economic renaissance and infrastructure projects that Iraq is witnessing, in addition to the package of financial, banking and administrative reforms that the government initiated and a high percentage of which was completed during the year.” And half a year old.”
    Al-Sudani said during the signing ceremony of memorandums of understanding with major American companies: “The outcome of the discussions and understandings with the American side was the necessity of continuing to develop bilateral relations in various economic, social and security sectors.”
    He added: "We agreed to strengthen the relationship, stimulate the private sector, and support the work of American companies in Iraq," stressing that "Iraq is witnessing remarkable stability despite the challenges in the region, and we are working to distance it from hotbeds of conflict and escalation."
    He explained, "The government has made important strides in economic reforms and implementing major projects that contribute to solving problems. We have also presented to Parliament a law that addresses the challenges facing the private sector."
    He pointed out, "According to the US Department of the Treasury, 80% of transfers are in accordance with international standards, and we are working to complete the remaining percentage," adding, "We have completed the unified treasury account and the integrated banking system, modernizing collections and customs reforms, and redirecting support in the right direction."
    He stressed, "Our support for the private sector is an approach we are following, and for the first time we have granted sovereign guarantees to it to support projects," pointing out, "The Iraq Fund for Development aims to involve the private sector, and addresses bureaucracy and routine for entering companies."
    He pointed out, "Conducting tax and administrative reforms related to registering company branches, to provide an attractive investment environment," explaining that "the volume of exchange between Iraq and the United States does not exceed 10 billion dollars."
    He stressed, "Developing a comprehensive vision for the optimal investment of oil and gas, and the sixth round of licensing related to natural gas fields, is being presented for the first time," noting that "there is a plan to reach gas self-sufficiency and stop imports within 3-5 years."
    He pointed out “introducing integrated projects in 6-8 fields throughout the governorates, according to a model for developing oil, using associated gas, and establishing an electrical station and a petrochemical industry in the same location,” explaining that “Iraq is moving towards establishing a fixed platform to receive liquefied gas for the first time, and this is an opportunity presented.” In front of American companies and other companies.”
    He pointed out, "A contract was signed with KBR to prepare a preliminary study on the fixed platform, for the purpose of receiving and exporting gas in the future."

    Views 60
    Added 04/18/2024 - 10:31 AM
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