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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hundreds of agricultural acres in Badra are transformed into residential homes

    Admin Assist
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    Hundreds of agricultural acres in Badra are transformed into residential homes Empty Hundreds of agricultural acres in Badra are transformed into residential homes

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Jun 2024, 4:43 am

    Hundreds of agricultural acres in Badra are transformed into residential homes

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    Agricultural lands

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Despite government assurances about the necessity of expanding the areas of agricultural land in Iraq, it is witnessing a reduction in many areas, including the Badra district of Wasit Governorate, eastern Iraq.
    Iraq, which is rich in oil resources, is one of the five countries most vulnerable to climate change and desertification in the world, according to the United Nations, especially due to increasing drought with rising temperatures that exceed fifty degrees Celsius at one point in the summer.
    In this regard, the Director of Agriculture in Badra District, Hamed Abdel-Ilah, said in a statement reported by the “Rudaw” media network, and seen by “Al-Iqtisad News,” that “agricultural lands are being converted into land titles within the basic design in Badra District, by fragmenting the spaces into residential lands.” ", estimating the areas that were converted from agricultural to residential at approximately 300 dunums.
    Hamid Abdel-Ilah said that this matter “affects the environment and reduces agricultural areas, especially since this land conversion occurs in agricultural lands where seasonal crops are grown.”
    The Director of Agriculture in Badra District pointed out that these lands “were included in the basic design under expropriations, or under Resolution 80, which gives the ministries the right to expropriate lands,” adding: “Seasonal crops such as wheat, barley, and yellow corn were grown in these lands.”
    Regarding the agricultural plan for the current season, he pointed out that “there is an expansion by increasing agricultural areas, although the agricultural plan has decreased due to the available water quotas, but there is demand for the leasing system for agricultural lands and there has been an increase as a result of requests to lease about 1,500 dunums.”
    He noted that "it was previously suspended due to the directives of the Ministry of Irrigation and the prevention of irrigation due to water scarcity, but it was launched during the last six months by providing water through wells."
    Regarding the quality of well water in Badra District, Hamed Abdel-Ilah said, “The well water in Badra and Jasan is suitable for agriculture,” explaining that “the wells have two parts, government and private. The government is affiliated with the water resources and is divided into public payment and an agricultural part for orchards only.”
    Hamed Abdel-Ilah stated, “There are about 250 wells belonging to the Ministry of Water Resources, and about 90 wells drilled by land and orchard owners, meaning that the number becomes approximately 350 wells in Badra district.”
    The water issue has become a fundamental challenge in Iraq, a semi-desert country with a population of more than 43 million people, and Baghdad has repeatedly held its neighbors Turkey and Iran responsible for reducing water levels due to the construction of dams on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
    The World Bank has previously considered that the absence of any water policies may lead to Iraq losing 20% ​​of its water resources by 2050, while Iraq announced earlier that Turkish water projects led to a reduction in its water share by 80%, while Ankara accuses Baghdad of wasting water. Large amounts of water.
    It is noteworthy that the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources in Iraq decided earlier to reduce the area allocated for agriculture, due to the lack of water revenues coming from Turkey and Iran, amid warnings that water scarcity threatens to collapse the food security of Iraqis.
    The Iraqi government is constantly writing to both Tehran and Ankara to demand an increase in Iraq's water share from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, but these two countries have not responded to Iraq's repeated requests in this regard.

    Views 69
    Added 06/19/2024 - 9:20 AM
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