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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Anbar Alliance: Al-Halbousi complicated the scene with the file of electing the Speaker of Parliamen

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Anbar Alliance: Al-Halbousi complicated the scene with the file of electing the Speaker of Parliamen Empty Anbar Alliance: Al-Halbousi complicated the scene with the file of electing the Speaker of Parliamen

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Aug 2024, 5:25 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Anbar Alliance: Al-Halbousi complicated the scene with the file of electing the Speaker of Parliament[/size]
    • Today 10:22


    Information / Anbar .. 
    The leader of the United Anbar Alliance, Mohammed al-Dulaimi, confirmed on Thursday that the Sunni alliances were unable to reach an agreement on the crisis of electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
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    Al-Dulaimi told Al-Maalouma Agency that "the Sunni alliances continue their meetings in Anbar Governorate and other governorates in the hope of resolving the crisis of electing a parliament speaker, while the Sovereignty, Azm, Al-Hasm and Al-Mubadara alliances are adhering to their candidate, Salem Al-Issawi."
    He added, "The head of the Progress Party, the dismissed Speaker of Parliament, Mohammed al-Halbousi, is well aware of the extent of support for al-Issawi, so he is pushing towards keeping the House of Representatives under the acting administration of Mohsen al-Mandalawi."
    He added, "Al-Halbousi is betting on opening the door for nominations for new candidates to participate in the race to elect the Speaker of Parliament."
     He added, "The Sunni alliances accused Halbousi of being involved in obstructing the sessions to elect a speaker of parliament, complicating the political scene, and creating a state of conflict between the Sunni alliances." End / 12A
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