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    MP reveals the danger of a paragraph in the air transport agreement between Iraq and Syria

    Admin Assist
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    MP reveals the danger of a paragraph in the air transport agreement between Iraq and Syria Empty MP reveals the danger of a paragraph in the air transport agreement between Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Aug 2024, 4:09 am

    [size=35][size=35]MP reveals the danger of a paragraph in the air transport agreement between Iraq and Syria[/size]
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    2024-08-10 | 04:19
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    Alsumaria News - Politics

    Member of Parliament Amer Abdul Jabbar revealed today, Saturday, the danger of a paragraph in the air transport agreement between Iraq and Syria, stressing that this paragraph harms the Iraqi national carrier economically in particular, and Iraq in general.


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    Abdul Jabbar told Sumarya News, "More than a year ago, a civil aviation chief was appointed who was not aware of civil aviation matters, laws, and consequences for some reason, a recent paragraph. He is an unspecialized person who did not work actively in this field."

    Abdul Jabbar added, "During the period of this person's presence, Iraq signed many people who have many economic damages on Iraq, and then all of this comes between Iraq and its like."

    Abdul Jabbar continued, "The paragraph (the fifth freedom, so help) and take passengers and fly them to other internal countries, or we will be overwhelmed" between the Iraqi provinces, and thus deprives the Iraqi national carrier from performing this role and harms it as an enemy."

    Abdul Jabbar explained that he suffers from the fact that "Syrian aviation is also independent of itself, and therefore it is not useful for Iraq to sign an air use with such privileges with a country that it alone owns in the field of aviation," calling for "a partial re-correction and this paragraph is multiple, in order to" accelerate its education. "

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