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    Rasheed Bank branches allocated to receive damaged citizens currency


    Posts : 5316
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Rasheed Bank branches allocated to receive damaged citizens currency Empty Rasheed Bank branches allocated to receive damaged citizens currency

    Post by wciappetta Sun 12 Apr 2015, 7:07 am

    Further effort to bring folks into the banks thus accounts will surely be required to deposit damaged currency and bank cards will be issued. 
    End result is the shrinking of physical cash supply

    Rasheed Bank branches allocated to receive damaged citizens currency
     Since 04/12/2015 13:27 pm (Baghdad time)
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    BAGHDAD - scales News

    The face of the Rasheed Bank, Sunday, a number of branches in Baghdad to take over the damaged citizens currency.

    According to Director General of the Rasheed Bank Mohamed Abdel Wahab said in a statement received / scales News / copy of it: he "was identified ports to replace the damaged currency of citizens came based on the directives of the Central Bank of Iraq," noting that "the management of the bank and directed the Treasury Department to withdraw the damaged cash and deposited with the central bank ".

    Abdul Wahab said that "the branches that hired her to withdraw the damaged Monetary task is branches Shorja, beautiful and willing Khatoon neighborhood of Sumer and Baya and Utaifiyya branch Karkh addition to Yarmouk branch", knowing that the management of the bank and brought in earlier to facilitate the payment and withdrawal of instruments pilgrims in hot spots and received salaries measures retirees to those areas through the allocation of branches in Baghdad " 2[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]-3 / h

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