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    Iraq is a bankrupt state!

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq is a bankrupt state!  Empty Iraq is a bankrupt state!

    Post by Rocky Fri 29 Mar 2013, 5:13 pm

    Iraq is a bankrupt state!

    Jamal Mohammad Taqi

    Failure challenge and response means two possibilities, either bankruptcy and undergo total will donors and then extinction or out of the circle by addressing its causes first and results second, and in both cases, the laws of the market and prevailing owed by so religious in ruling Iraq is judge and jury and therefore of hamper change determination that does not change, but if the people wanted it, and unless erupted for.
    Specter of failure and political paralysis and economic dominate the country's airspace in length and width, although the Iraq one of the world's richest countries in natural resources, and it seems this alone reason enough to scramble robbers outside and inside the looted and tampering Bmekdrath and then burned fire side to cover up the biggest theft in history.
    Oil wealth impoverished perspective time does not exceed the march generation or two, and low demand for it is very likely, and lower prices by half is also a realist, and these cases enough to make Iraq in a sorry state of destitution, after about his people into groups rival of consumers المعتاشين on remnants of the proceeds of oil revenues, which are stolen his soul instead of making it a crane to sustainable economics their agricultural production, industrial, scientific and ravaged by the occupation and those who came with him.
    Did not stop Iraq's oil output after the occupation, except for a few periods not exceeding months, and the quantities produced were still escalating frequently, at the end of 2003 was export rates have exceeded 900 thousand barrels per day and then increased production and exports after repairing some platforms idle, and continued quantities increasing with the integration of production fields in the region, in addition to integrating the production of the Maysan fields, which stopped working out after the second Gulf war until the figure is currently about three million barrels per day, the counters are only stopped, and by the actor, and the account only has ceased, and national control and aspects of a nationalization great that have been stalled since the occupation of Iraq, and even now, the smuggling of oil for the state parties in the North and the South continues, as well as commissions monopolistic oil companies to destinations window continues to get more privileges and its own terms.
    $ 500 billion is the total budgets of Iraq since 2003 until 2013 the owner of the largest annual budget in the history of Iraq, $ 120 billion, the budget equivalent to annual budgets of more than five Arab countries combined, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan, either outcome is once all kinds bitterness that can not be chewed up is calculated on the existing system, this Mahdi Keywords agent and the Iraqi Ministry of Planning, referring to the high level of poverty in Iraq for more than 23 percent, and unemployment to more than 33 percent.
    Deliberately neglected sectors of industry and agriculture in Iraq with the aim Tsfithma, converting workers two to just recipients of subsidies, there is a national industry-backed, because the new Iraq free market does not bless something which more than blessing for privatization is produced, nor Ti_am of nothing more than pessimism of the meanings of the public sector The national production, and agricultural production is supported because the cost of domestic production is higher than importer, and one of the main conditions of the International Monetary Fund on Iraq not to state intervention in determining the point of competition in the domestic market because the freedom of competition is a condition of democratization that came for it the Americans to Iraq, not prices subsidized fuel used by farmers, not irrigation projects real address phenomena desertification, even the ration card is replaced at $ Default Order by Iraqi what it needs from the market sunken all colors and shapes of imported foodstuffs, which are often traded by owners of power and wealth in the new Iraq, and who formed layer parasitic multinational and double loyalty and intertwined interests with money centers, business and influence in the region and the world, and some of them became addicted to trading brand sectarian to attract political support Iranian without sacrificing loyalty to Mr. George, so they have the experience in mastering the game pairing between Alolaean and two interests together, and all this at the expense of loyalty to Iraq and its interests, Valasment Iranian powered and cement Iraqi disabled, dates Iranian bought and sold, either dates Iraqi and do not see it orphan Baúr, find in the Iraqi market goods from all sides and in all areas, but Iraqi goods, because they do not produce originally, and produced not sold.
    No internal trade due to the absence of the national product, and free foreign trade but corrupt because those who made it are new parasites, the owners of contracting parties and the sectarian and ethnic militias of Iraq's ruling.
    $ 500 billion and the children of Iraq without subhuman schools and the country without electricity and without sustainable safe drinking water, and without the most basic types of public services, the health sector and degradation like the housing sector.
    Ten years any two plans Khmsatin Exactly, and collected and a half million displaced inside Iraq, and nine million below the poverty line, and one million efficiency immigrant and Mojtth, and millions of widows and orphans, and until this moment authority is unable to conduct census Residential appoint specialists to monitor the real rates of population growth.
    Peace Sumaisem adviser says cabinet: five-year plans Vashltan because most their goals did not materialize, but what has been achieved on the ground is quite the opposite Poverty doubled and increased deprivation.
    Budget in 2013 so large that some have described Palanfjaria, not because it will explode on the people of Iraq welfare and bliss and prosperity, but it will blow greed rampant corruption and saturated every aspect of life in Iraq, from air to water to medicine and food to politics, economy and education, to parties that do not work law, but the arts of laughter on chins, and elections in which there is no taste, odor or color or the results of free and equal choices.
    Ironically the Minister of Planning Ali Shukri calling birth control in Iraq and imposing agenda minutes for the prevention of obesity population state can not keep up with requirements of health care, education and housing, service and job opportunities, as the population growth rate in Iraq may exceed 3 percent, a high rate very, minister himself does not have an accurate population count, where he was AVMA had been in 1997, how to reach this conclusion Ready?.
    Minister to ignore the fact the death rate in Iraq because of wars, conflicts and violence and the spread of chronic diseases and departure for immigration purposes and that exceed numbers of births and especially during the last ten years, yes family planning is required, but to justify limitations ruling in meeting human his people under the pretext of rapid multiplication of the population is funny, because this ruling does not mean an increase or decrease in numbers of people he does not care about them originally, but how we justify the case of abundance in the financial figures that could give 60 million people a decent life with scarcity in the most basic public services to thirty million of them? What the ruling and thieves steal power covers the requirements of population growth rates that frighten Mr. Minister.
    $ 120 billion budget this year, 36 percent of them to invest in the service sectors, productivity, trade and security, and 64 percent of them to run any of the salaries and petty and accessories department, Vlouhdha budget of the Ministry of Defense, Interior and National Security plus have some of the budgets of armament contracts corrupt equal $ 17 billion, one of the share Prime Minister, who is at the same time the commander of the armed forces and minister of defense and interior, which will be able hold such budget added to the budget the Council of Ministers, of perpetuating cycle rule for a third term, and through governed security parallel to the governed objects of exchange and contracts and appointments and contracting, after guaranteed Iran in front of his rivals in the Shiite alliance against adapted to the situation in Iraq to serve the Iranian influence in the region in parallel with the U.S. influence.
    Says Ahmed Chalabi, one of those affected by the expansion of authoritarian influence of owners: that the budget of the Council of Ministers of the owners is twice the budget of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and more than the budget of the Ministry of Planning 20 times, and five times more than the budget of the Ministry of Communications.
    Will enter the new budget amounts to dark areas it with and where there is no vision, because even light passing light fades and dissolves to the point of losing her any one of His attributes, black holes punched Kdjiob not overflowing matter contained, are intensifying continuously until the explosion.

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