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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy Kurdish Baghdad and Erbil announces an agreement to raise the customs tariff for the region

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Deputy Kurdish Baghdad and Erbil announces an agreement to raise the customs tariff for the region  Empty Deputy Kurdish Baghdad and Erbil announces an agreement to raise the customs tariff for the region

    Post by Rocky Mon 01 Feb 2016, 6:40 am

    Deputy Kurdish Baghdad and Erbil announces an agreement to raise the customs tariff for the region ports

    BAGHDAD / ... announced MP for the mass change Shirin Reza, Monday, for the Kurdish government delegation agreement with Baghdad during his visit yesterday to raise the value of the customs tariff on the entry of goods to the Kurdistan region.

    The satisfaction for "Eye Iraq News", that "during the visit of the Kurdish government delegation headed by Nechirvan Barzani to Baghdad yesterday, it was agreed with the central government to raise the value of the customs tariff imposed on the entry of goods to the Kurdistan region."

    "The entry of goods merchants to Kurdistan region through outlets were not imposed by the tariff Kmarkip also be imposed on the entry of goods into the province of Basra, which led to the reluctance of traders enter their goods through the ports of Basra and heading for ports Kurdistan."

    She noted that "the Kurdistan Regional Government was acting in amounts which Tsthsalha of the statutes of the customs tariff on goods merchants only for the benefit of the region without involving the central government."

    It is said that a delegation from the government of the Kurdistan region arrived yesterday to Baghdad, where the President and the Cabinet met.

    The deputies Basra province announced the reluctance of traders to introduce their goods outlets across the province because of the imposition of customs tariffs high, which led to traders went to Kurdistan ports, the fact that a few tariff imposed.

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