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    America confirms the disappearance of a radioactive substance in southern Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271655
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    America confirms the disappearance of a radioactive substance in southern Iraq Empty America confirms the disappearance of a radioactive substance in southern Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Feb 2016, 2:07 pm

    America confirms the disappearance of a radioactive substance in southern Iraq

    Twilight News USA / said it was aware of the disappearance of radioactive material from a facility stores in the city of Basra, in southern Iraq.

    The US State Department said it received information about the disappearance of radioactive material from a storage facility near the city of Basra, southern Iraq, since November / November last year.

    Iraq had told the International Atomic Energy Agency, the disappearance of more than 10 grams of a substance isotope iridium. (Used to treat cancer) late last year.

    Iraqi officials have warned of the possibility of using these materials as a weapon if it falls into the hands of state regulation, known as Daash, or any other groups.

    But US State Department spokesman, Mark Toner, said, "There are no indications on the ability of any one of these groups on the possession of such material."

    He pointed to "continue monitoring the situation."

    Iraqi authorities have stepped up the search for that article, "high-risk".

    The IAEA confirmed that it did not receive a request from Iraq's appeal for international help to restore.

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