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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Revealed in numbers the completion rates achieved in the Al-Faw Grand Port projects... Transport for

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Revealed in numbers the completion rates achieved in the Al-Faw Grand Port projects... Transport for Empty Revealed in numbers the completion rates achieved in the Al-Faw Grand Port projects... Transport for

    Post by Rocky Thu 06 Jun 2024, 4:25 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Revealed in numbers the completion rates achieved in the Al-Faw Grand Port projects... Transport for Al-Zawraa: 75% of the initial designs for the railway line within the Development Road Project have been completed.[/size]

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    Al-Zawraa/Hussein Falih:
    The Ministry of Transport announced the completion of 75% of the initial designs of the railway line and 68% of the express land line within the Development Road Project, while revealing in numbers the completion rates achieved in the Grand Faw Port projects.
    Director of the Ministry’s Media Office, Maitham Al-Safi, said in an interview with Al-Zawraa: The government meeting chaired by the Prime Minister regarding the development road project witnessed the future vision and studies presented by the relevant ministries and institutions regarding the advisory study to link energy projects, communications projects, and others and their intersections in the project, as well as Strategic studies are consistent with the project and its future prospects. He added: The completion rate for the initial designs of the railway line project reached 75 percent, and the completion rate for the land express line ranges from 66 to 68 percent, as well as 90 percent for soil exploration operations and 1,200 kilometers for topographical survey operations. Regarding Al-Faw port, he explained. Al-Safi: Al-Faw Port represents a fundamental pillar of a sustainable economy, especially in the future after this project merges with the development path. Pointing out: The completion rate in this project is high, as Pier No. 5 has been completed in addition to Piers 1, 2, 3, and 4 that were completed in the previous months, as the completion rate in the five piers project reaches 95 percent, which will be fully received next October. As for the container yard project, the completion rate has reached 75 percent, with continued progress in drilling operations for the navigation channel and achieving depths of up to 19.8 meters, in a way that is suitable for giant ships and ships in the future. He continued: As for the line linking Al-Faw Port and the city of Umm Qasr, the completion rate is This project has reached 78 percent, in addition to the existing bridges in this project, the completion rates of which reach 80 percent. As for the submerged tunnel, the completion rates are also progressing significantly, as casting work has been completed in the last ten pieces of the submerged tunnel, which will form A qualitative leap at the transport level, as well as at the port level in general. He pointed out: The project in general will complete its first phase in 2025 according to the specified timelines.[/size]
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      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 1:47 am