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    The parliament held to convince the masses of "reform" and "Liberal" and dozens of deputies

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    The parliament held to convince the masses of "reform" and "Liberal" and dozens of deputies Empty The parliament held to convince the masses of "reform" and "Liberal" and dozens of deputies

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 May 2016, 2:40 am

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    The parliament held to convince the masses of "reform" and "Liberal" and dozens of deputies

     BAGHDAD / Wael blessing 

    On the eve of a planned meeting of the House of Representatives, called by the chairman of the parliament last week, political blocs confirmed its presence, in a gesture revive thehopes of the parliament after the storming by Sadr 's supporters the end of last April. 
    Commented deputies Sadrist participation in scheduled to include a vote on the "Cabin technocrats" themeeting on the agenda. In turn , insists " the reform front" opposition bloc, the refusal to attend the hearing chaired by Salim al - Jubouri, and asserts that it awaits the decision of the Federal Court , which resume consideration of appeals on Sunday. 
    The prominent parties in the National Alliance, especially the masses of Badr and the Supreme Council, has confirmed, early, attend the meeting , which called her , Salim al. 
    and Sunday 's session coincides with the second session held by the Federal Court to consider an appeal of"reform" bloc voting session on ministers technocrats. Some parties and likely to issue a rule eliminating thelast two sessions held parliament after he commissioned a panel of experts to evaluate the videos on thescenes of "choosing technocrats session." 
    Until that time , Salim al continue Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the management ofmeetings, while stays ordered quorum is achieved linked to the presence of both the House ofRepresentatives, who usually absent , including about 100 members in each session. 
    is achieved a quorum? 
    it requires the parliament to achieve a quorum in the presence of 165 deputies out of 328 deputies. The achievement of a quorum Sunday session is available if decided Kurds 0.60 deputies, attend the hearing as some deputies. 
    But Deputy Secretary Baker, a member bloc Kurdish change, says that "some Kurdish parties have meetings and activities in the Kurdistan region may can not attend Sunday 's meeting, there are other deputies did not get tickets to Baghdad. " 
    Islamic Union of Kurdistan and are busy these days, one of the five Kurdish blocs , along with the National Democratic Union, Curran and Jemaah Islamiyah, the convening of the conference seventh. 
    confirms MP Bakr, in connection with the (range)," there is an agreement Kurds to attend the meeting on Sunday. " Kurdish lawmaker who spoke yesterday morning, pointed to a possible meeting will bring together Kurdish blocs with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi ahead of Sunday 's meeting, but asserts that the date for the meeting has not been decided yet. 
    Announced that the forces of Kurdistan, last week, she decided to come to Baghdad, and the meeting with al - Abadi to get on security assurances not to repeat the incident to storm parliament. 
    It notes the MP for the mass change to " the meeting with the Prime Minister may does not take place if all the heads of Kurdish blocs did not come to Baghdad , " noting that " the forces of the Kurdistan want to talk with Abadi for the government program and taking into account the balance in institutions state. " 
    It does not seem that the outcome of the meeting with al - Abadi change of the resolution of the Kurdish attend the hearing, says Baker. And on the security measures that will prevent the storming of the parliament once again, a Kurdish lawmaker says , "I do not think that there are guarantees and reached the Kurdish forces about not entering the demonstrators, but the duty of the prime minister to do so." 
    Sadrists: prepare and Andkhal! 
    After two incidents of intrusion, stalled the resumption of hearings efforts parliament even called Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, last week, blocs to hold a hearing Sunday. 
    She was the presidency of the parliament is ready to discuss the government reshuffle at the meeting if the Prime Minister has decided to provide the government his booth. If you do decide Abadi put reshuffle this would alter the decision - Sadr bloc , which has linked its return to the parliament , government reforms. 
    The MP says Abdulaziz Zalmi (range) , "Sentuagd in the House, on Sunday, but will not get into the meeting without the presence of the Prime Minister his booth and his government. " 
    so far not received the Liberal block any indication of the presence of al - Abadi to the parliament session. It Dalimy " It seems that the presidency of parliament uncaring ordered government cabin has been left under the desire Abadi." 
    And on the position of ministerial amendments, said the chairman of the parliament during its call for asession Sunday , "As for the file cabinet reshuffle, the Presidency of the Council is not a party which is linked to the Prime Minister and the leaders blocks, and raises in the reform project, and can put all these issues in the parliament and in accordance with legal procedures and the Council master himself in his decisions. " 
    between the forces of reform 
    in contrast to the Liberal bloc 's position, decided to coalition forces attend Sunday 's meeting, and thepostponement of conditions, which announced in advance , to another time. 
    the MP 's victory Jubouri's (range) that "coalition forces will exceed the demands that have not been implemented by the government, will attend the meeting to support the parliament and support the forces that liberated Fallujah." 
    the coalition forces have been conditioned on the government, in exchange for his return to parliament, said the launches allocated for the displaced amounts, in addition to demanding the return displaced people of theliberated areas. But the MP Jubouri says , "we will achieve it by pressing the government through our House of Representatives." 
    It is still the position of the opposition team, which has become known as " the reform front," on attending the parliament session , commenting on the issuance of a final decision of the Federal Court. 
    It is expected MP Taha Slack, a member of the front, " the Federal resolved the matter in the same day of the second session." The court announced a postponement of the appeal proceedings submitted before sessions of Parliament, until the ninth hour of Sunday morning. 
    He said the defense, in an interview with the (range), "We will wait for the decision of the Federal Court, and the rest of the blocks have to collect all the MPs for a quorum." 
    MPs are absent! 
    and will miss Sunday 's session, according to the positions of the last blocks, about 134 deputies, including 100 from the "reform front", and the rest of the deputies of the Sadrist movement. 
    MP says Taha defensive "there are about 50 deputies between metaphor or absent in each session , " but he adds , "can half of them in action at the very least to achieve a quorum, despite the lack of conviction of thepossibility of it. " 
    truants Representatives doubled their number, according to colleagues, through the conduct of meetings of the parliament in the current session. As to exceed the number of attendees at each of the sessions on the200 deputies. And shattered the mandate Abadi 's meeting, which was held last August, the record in thepresence of about 300 deputies. 
    In spite of the presidency of the parliament decided to cut 500 thousand dinars from the salary of MP for each day of absence at the meeting or in committees, some of them are to Ayabe to that figure, and continues to absences, says MP from the coalition forces triumph Alajabura.otazzo MP triumph Jubouri absent this number for the parliamentary sessions that "some of them enjoy sick leave, vacation or unusual, and some of them have other sources of income do not care about their salaries Qtoat" .palmkabl see an MP for the coalition forces The Sunday session "requires that everyone attends and eliminates all of Representatives vacation," despite recognition that says that " the parliament stalled for weeks, and therefore did not grant licenses normal or satisfactory for any deputy during this period . " The House of Representatives has been published, the end of last year, the agenda absences and sick leave and usual for members of the House ofRepresentatives over a year and a half from the date of July 15, 2014, up to December 16 2015. 
    in accordance with the aforementioned table, the solution MP Mahmoud Daoud Salman Mousa from thenational coalition of first in the order of absences 72 session, followed by MP Muwaffaq Rubaie , a coalition ofstate law in absentia to 44, came third place Bahaa Ahmed Hadi Jawad , a coalition of state law , also with35 absent.
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