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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The two prime ministers and the parliament's headquarters in Fallujah for the second time

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The two prime ministers and the parliament's headquarters in Fallujah for the second time Empty The two prime ministers and the parliament's headquarters in Fallujah for the second time

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Jun 2016, 4:48 pm

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    The two prime ministers and the parliament's headquarters in Fallujah for the second time

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    President visited the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives Haider Abadi and Saleem al - Jubouri, yesterday, theleadership of the liberation of Fallujah operations headquarters for the second time since the start of the attack on the city. The contract Abadi , an expanded meeting with security leaders, the presence of Salim al -Jubouri , and a number of deputies and profile officials from Anbar province. A statement by the Information Office of the Prime Minister, received (range), a copy of it yesterday, "it was during the meeting , apresentation on the areas that have been edited and confidence on civilians in the city of Fallujah, shelters ,parents and humanitarian status, and pay tribute to the cooperation of all parties in the liberation of Fallujah process and save her family. heard Abadi, according to the statement, the views and proposals of deputies and officials in the province, is directed to "follow - up and stand on the needs of civilians." to confirm Prime Minister said the presence of tens of thousands of civilians trapped inside Fallujah behind the slow pace of implementation of the battle to liberate the city from the control of the organization Daash. Ebadi said, during a meeting with security chiefs in one of the housings near Fallujah, and quoted the Iraqi channel, " it was possible to resolve this battle if it were not the protection of civilians within the basic plan. " and implement counter - terrorism and the army and police security including the forces backing the popular crowd forces, operations of the tenth day the aim of liberating the city of Fallujah , 50 km west of Baghdad , from thecontrol of the organization. and began to Iraqi forces, particularly the anti - terrorism force Monday a new phase to break into the city and back controlling her. According to Abadi 's remarks that the slow pace of the implementation process is designed to protect civilians , especially after the United Nations said they wereused as human shields. Furthermore, the United Nations Children's Fund yesterday announced that , for the existence of at least twenty thousand children trapped inside Fallujah , Iraqi forces carried out operations to liberate from the control of jihadists. It is likely the presence of some 50,000 civilians trapped inside Fallujah, the second largest city of Mosul after, under the control of the jihadists in Iraq. And appeals to humanitarian organizations and the Iraqi government and the highest religious authority Ali al - Sistani, for maximum care to civilians trapped inside Fallujah do.
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