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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Start planning the national survey of persons with disabilities in Najaf and Basra Operations

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Start planning the national survey of persons with disabilities in Najaf and Basra Operations Empty Start planning the national survey of persons with disabilities in Najaf and Basra Operations

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2016, 3:35 am

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    Start planning the national survey of persons with disabilities in Najaf and Basra Operations

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    The Iraqi Ministry of Planning, on Monday, directly CSO operations national survey of disability in the provinces of Najaf and Basra, confirmed that field surveys will include more than seven thousand disabled people, as pointed out that these actions aimed at providing a database that slide and provide life requirements. 
    a spokesman for the Ministry of planning Abdul Zahra al - Hindawi, in a statement received (range Press) copy of it, "Central Bureau of Statistics will begin the implementation of the field work of the national survey of disability in the provinces of Najaf and Basra , which will include seven thousand and 397 disabled people, distributed between six thousand and 154 households in the two provinces ". Hindawi said that " the cadres of the Central Bureau of Statistics began its field work , starting from the 14th of the current month of August, and continues to work for 40 days in Basra and Najaf 30 days", pointing out that " the survey will cover families with disabled people and in the light of the data obtained from the field through the application form for the handicapped , which was distributed to families through agents ration in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce. " 
    Hindawi said that" the goal of a survey of the disabled comes in order to provide data for this important segment and thus study their demographics, social, health and provision of various life requirements Base . " It is 
    noteworthy that the successive wars that gripped Iraq and the violence that left millions of disabled, added to which a lot of people with special needs, who languish in the management of their affairs of life.
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